Players with highest K/D ratios over time (2006-2024)

Players with highest K/D ratios over time (2006-2024)


  1. For CS 1.6 from 2006 to 2012 an all events filter was used with a min. map requirement of 30. For CS:GO & CS2 from 2012 to 2024 a ‘Big Events’ (HLTV classification) filter was used with a min. map requirement of 15. An exception was made in 2020 – due to a small amount of big and lan events an all events filter was used with a min. map requirement of 30. The data from January to November each year is interpolated, the actual values are displayed on December each year. Players with a K/D of less than 1.0 are not displayed.

    A ranking of players with highest yearly K/D peaks can be found [here](https://i.imgur.com/3wOiuQd.png).


    * [CS 1.6 stats](https://www.hltv.org/legacystats/players)
    * [CS:GO and CS2 stats](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players)
    * Song: [Coeus – Forgotten Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpR7ScLxuvI)
    * Tool: [Flourish](https://flourish.studio/)

  2. probably_not_cthulu

    honestly the funniest part of this is when AMANEK shows up

  3. SidewinderTV

    Pretty crazy how dominant Sweden was 2011-2016, and pretty tragic considering where the swedish scene is right now.

  4. Ha55aN1337

    I’m so happy that Pasha got his second at the top in this ❤️

  5. It’s unfortunate we don’t have the stats from GotFrag, the 1.6 Stats section of 1.6 is missing so much crucial data

  6. Jacko_Moto

    Damn funny how far ahead get right, forest and xizt were in the beginning

  7. The fact that Gtr almost had 3 kd at one point. Jeez.

  8. Catastrophecsgo

    Summer 2014 almost nobody had a positive KD… what’s up with that?

  9. AverageSven

    Waiting for the moment when donk would top the chart

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