Counter-Strike 2

The CS2 Cheater Problem Has Gotten Goofy

We just had the stupidest cheating scandal in counter-strike history, where it was possible to enable walls with console commands. The game is unplayable at high rating premier, and cs2 is losing a lot of players, including well known content creators. What is going on, and can anything be done to stop it?

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  1. Multiplayer games on pc have always been breeding grounds for incels, forever alones and basement losers who grief and cheat. CS2 is not the only one on the list. Sure once in a while you get a rare Chad who plays for fun but once he notices all the losers, he will abandon the game and date his girl instead. I mean why would he waste his time on a virtual shitbed full of truecels?

  2. I just wanna understand the motive behind cheating in games, like what do they feel? Do they feel accomplished? Or do they feel like they won something? Poor kids

  3. You (and many others) have a misunderstanding of kernel drivers.

    Any privileged process on Windows can load arbitrary signed drivers. The code in these drivers are audited by Microsoft themselves.

    Many of these drivers have been exploited and used to run arbitrary code in kernel space.

    Most cheats utilize exploited kernel drivers to hide themselves. The only way this can be detected client side is for anticheat to also utilize a kernel driver.

    And kernel drivers on Windows are VERY common. You cannot even watch Netflix without having some DRM kernel drivers installed.

    Point is the risk of running software that ships a custom kernel driver is no bigger than any other proprietary third party software.

    And it's not just Vanguard that does it. In the last decade or so every anticheat except VAC has used a kernel driver.

  4. I quit when cs2 came out and ive been playing cs for 21 years now, but playing anything other than faceit is just a waste of time. The problem is new players cant play faceit. My little brother started playing counter strike recently and hes ass if he goes on faceit hell just throw games evn if he has 100 elo. The state of the game is just sad and whats worse is that valve dont and wont do anything

  5. CS2 has been so fun to play, and there's been loads of moments that have shown me how awesome Source 2 can be for CS. On the flip side, the experience of having cheaters in every other premier match has completely cancelled out any fun I've had, and probably even overshadowed any hope I had for the game.
    They've had months to fix the cheating issue, and all they've done is make some more stuff to spend money on… I think it's clear where Valve's head is at. Pros will continue to play in majors, because it's how they make money, and people will continue to watch the majors.
    The only thing that will absolutely force Valve to fix this issue, is if all the pro players join together in refusing to play.
    If you have to force your developer to do something, they aren't trying to make the game good.
    I can only hope that the majority of Valve's employees are at least working on the rumored Half Life game. If a fix isn't announced before the fall, I'm just done even giving Valve a chance. They've done nothing but prove they aren't listening to us. They haven't even made a statement about the cheaters. It's getting bleak, and it's getting hard to try and convince people that they should try CS2 and give Valve a chance.

  6. Didnt they just release another ban wave like 2 days ago? Coz, I played during the weekends and havent found any cheater yet after the news. I dont know if its true or not, but all the games that I play last few days were legit. And I rarely say that

  7. using a command in-game is not cheating btw
    7:45 It's not about riot abusing their access, it's the fact that anyone can.

  8. I wonder where all the big youtubers were when the people who didnt have alot of money to throw around were just stuck playing the old regular matchmaking?

    Do i – as someone who doesnt have the capital to play in faceit deserve cheaters back in csgo? Im truly wondering about that answer because cheating was a problem as much as it is now.

    So why are you guys bitching about it now? I gave up the game YEARS ago because of cheaters. Infact i was cheating myself because of cheaters. I always turned on my FREE cheats when there was a cheater in the opposite team. I got away with it about a year which is ridicolous. You can bitch and moan all you want about me cheating but im having exactly as much hope of this getting fixed now as in the past – which is not alot.

    Cheating is bad. But so is turning a blind eye to a problem that your wealth could buy yourself out of… I have no symapthy for you suffering.

  9. Valve have their head in the sand thinking that a 20+ year old Anti cheat is still doing its job

  10. Really missing CSGO at this moment. I had high trust factor and my rank was perfectly calibrated to give me challenging but fun matches. Now it's either cheaters on Valve servers or weird Faceit matches with players ranging in skill from silver to semi-pro.

  11. I honestly thought they are using reporting and demos to train VAC live for CS2 and they were going to let it directly ban. But it's been almost a year and there's nothing.

  12. We’ve proposed Active Overwatch initiative almost 10 years ago. We gave effective solution, but money is money.

  13. I personally did not like overwatch for two reasons:

    1) iirc people were selling targeted reports and targeted convictions (ticking the griefing box when the overwatch demo ended) for a decent amount of money at the time. While not exactly cheating, it made overwatch less effective which most likely led to it's removal.
    2) I got a minor griefing ban while I was playing with a full team of friends which made no sense as my team did not report me for anything. Yes, we did teamkill a lot but we still won the game and my teammates also teamkilled me.

    For overwatch to trigger you either get reported for aim, walls, other, or griefing but any will trigger an overwatch case if reported enough. Because of this, I am 100% sure I was reported for cheating (aim, walls, etc) but overwatch only convicted me for griefing. If there were no option for getting convicted for griefing I would be 100% on board with adding overwatch back as I believe my ban was unfair. This has caused me to switch to FACEIT as I am in constant fear of getting another griefing ban which would be a VAC ban on my account.

  14. this problem has been here since csgo. Valve is not ever gonna do anything to fix it, either by incapability or ignorance. either way, it's become part of the identity of the game at this point, and there's no hope. Fuck Valve!

  15. The reason I left Csgo for Valorant was because of the cheaters. When CS2 came out i had hope that my favorite FPS ever would be back on top but its the same as it was 7 years ago when I started 🙁

  16. You brought up "Why didn't they go and poach people who've worked on successful anti cheats and give them jobs?" and the reason is they pride themselves a ton for having as small of a staff as they do. There's no 100% solid numbers out there but it's estimated like 300-400 people work at Valve proper at any given time, which is just incredibly small when you compare them to Riot (~4200), Epic (~4300), and ActiBlizzion (~13000). I'm sure they're working on all of the correct stuff at this very moment, it's just I don't trust the proper fixes will happen anywhere near as soon as anyone would like or want.

  17. Sad thing for ppl like me who lives in East Asia region( Japan, Korea,…) MM filled with Chinese and Russian cheaters, Faceit to nearest server is 100ping. No other options but to redownload Valorant….

  18. I don't even care about the anti-cheat. It seems to me that valve is struggling to make one. Valve needs to just hire interns who can watch demos of rage hackers that community provide and ban them. At the very least, rage hackers will go away.

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