Counter-Strike 2

Remove Inferno, add …? Pros’ dream CS2 map pool

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a new map in Counter-Strike, now that we’ve had a year of CS2, what maps would you like to see return to the map pool?

0:00 – Intro
0:06 – karrigan
0:42 – siuhy
1:01 – SunPayus
1:21 – magixx
2:11 – gla1ve
2:35 – Brollan
2:55 – Magisk
3:50 – zont1x
4:08 – frozen

#cs2 #csgo #esports #gaming #counterstrike


  1. -mirage +cache, pug map for another pug map. -overpass +train/something more new that's rather tactical and we're good to go

  2. Can we get some different maps than cache, cobble or train. They're all pretty stale. I'd like something like tuscan or season or seaside back.

  3. Sad to see Gen Z's were growing up playing on this wack map pool. Back in the days barley no one played these boring maps. There are so much better maps out there, how these maps have become popular in the last 10 years is above me.

  4. I will never think the same as this community. Now, when I"m enjoying inferno the most, they want to remove it. The maps they mentioned to bring back are also overplayed poop, that will haunt me during sleep for the rest of my life. Most of these maps are 10-20 years old and they still ok with it. This community has some mental disorder, being not capable to get out of comfort zone. It fights against anything new like a child raised by wolves.

  5. only bots can put dust 2 in map pool lol.
    even in cs2 its still awful for the actual map pool not really a fan of impossible retakes.
    rest of the maps are okay but mirge,inferno and dust are almost on the same state imo
    mirage is the eye hurting ping faschist thats more random than IEM katowice was
    inferno feels more like office out of standards
    also dust feels out of standards cuz of how op it is to take long and short its like an easy win or easy lose.
    but i would personally do something about anubis lighting cuz it hurts as much as mirage does

  6. Go dust2, cbble, train, cache and tuscan !!! Would be awesome, the game is a little boring at playing always the same maps

  7. Cache is probably the most entertaining map for me both as a viewer and as a player. Just love that map. Hope they bring it back.

  8. Why make these videos? It’s clear that They will choose maps they get most wins on 🤷🏼‍♂️

  9. Make the map Pool 9 maps instead of 7, get rid of mirage or inferno 🙂 and add back cobble, cache, train and replace ancient with Aztec

  10. Psycho opinions.
    The biggest change to mirage in 10 years was a bench prop in middle.
    Get it out of here.
    Put in Train, not cache.
    Perfect map pool.

  11. Mirage: Connect A ramp with upper mid for faster rotation.

    Inferno: re-work middle and second mid

    Ancient+Anubis: remove water…

  12. Remove Ancient, Anubis, Vertigo, Nuke and Mirage.
    Put in Tuscan, Cache, Train, Dust 2 and Cobblestone.
    Re-work Inferno (just go back to the old one).

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