Counter-Strike 2

Cheating CS2 Pros BANNED For Two Years

Two players from Turkish CS2 org Eternal Fire have had their contracts terminated. Their professional careers may be over forever — and it might actually be Valves’ fault.

Written & Hosted: Devin Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Andrew Faigal (@Brrning)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburkey) & Devin Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)

Footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. Ohnepixel so cringe. His opinion goes against every ruleset of the past decades.
    But obv he doesnt know as he never really played cs.

  2. Punishment was just. Professional players need to be held to a higher standard so it makes sense or they should of been slapped with a hefty fine being barred from playing unless paid.

  3. i mean, if someones brain thinks that using ingame commands to cheat is any different than using 3rd party cheats, you are just delusional. Cheating is cheating and ToS is against cheating.

  4. Imo, if you get caught ACTUALLY cheating, it should be a lifetime ban from that organization and all affiliates. Period. Absolutely NO wiggle room. Things like this however, are a gray area.

  5. You got to see it for what it is.. A EXPLOIT! If it is in the game, its in the game! Give them 5 weeks ban and return the ELO from matches. DONE! If it was money/Tournament involved… THEN it should be higher alerts and maybe longer bans.

    I would not like to get ban for a Ailias-command och "Jumpthrow-bind"…. ffs! (Remove all decals, as was used before)


    Why do people think this is OK??? Are you kidding me?
    "Oh, i know what power overwhelming does (in starcraft), lemme use it in a ranked tournament and see if anyone sees"
    gets banned

    YES IT IS BLACK AND WHITE! If an exploit exists, and the punishment for using it could be dire, it would be PROFESSIONAL of a PRO PLAYER to report it so nobody exploits it in ranked play. THATS an example of playing fair. Have some fucking integrity and maybe play Valorant…idk.

  7. If I was on the verge of going pro in the game I love to play. I would avoid anything that could even remotely be considered cheating like the plague

  8. The endboard bit was a false equivalency, they actively used a cheat, no matter if it was a command that was accidentally left in, and got banned because they cheated. If you got banned randomly while capturing footage of it and then you were fired because you got banned, you were fired unwarrantly which you could go to court over – the situations aren't the same. The pros cheated, and they must deal with their decision.

  9. Just beacuse you can doesn't mean you should, its not borderline cheating the command gives you walls. they knew what they did, this is to make an example to other pros and players as well, that this type of behavior is not allowed and will be banned

  10. devs of hacks claim most of the top players are using their product, streamers are big customers too… how is this still a "scene"?

  11. There is an option to kill living creatures in the world, but we do not do that because it's immoral, they knew what they did and got punished for it, it's not Valves fault it is persons doing the crime fault. If we all try to cheat against cheaters, CS2 wouldn't be a better place. Taking responsibility for your actions is the way!!!

  12. "May have been valve's fault".

    Like, you TYPED in the commands in a real game KNOWING what it did, you don't "accidentally type it in" and it's in EVERY game's TOS (something that we ALL sign when we pay for and/or download the game) to exploit something even if Valve accidentally left it in.

    2 years is a little too insane though, definitely wouldn't have ruined their careers over it, like give them a fine or some shit lol.

  13. 60 or 90 day ban would have made sense: they definitely needed to be punished, but i feel like 2 years is too long

  14. flom wasnt playing faceit in a limited beta test, why would faceit ban someone then, its totally deserved, fuck around and find out

  15. integrity and game integrity is vital for any sport. In the case of cheating whether it be encounter strike baseball or what have you. The organizers need to take a strong stance and have a no nonsense approach. Millions of dollars are at stake and if you lose the integrity of the game, where all of a sudden everything is a doubt you could potentially lose millions in sponsors. Cheating is one of those things or perhaps the thing that would crush integrity. The ban is justified.

  16. idk why anyone would invest any time into this trash given how valve handles things. oh yeah i know why… gambling.

  17. They cheated and got banned for 2 years.(Not for life). That's fair. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. About the fl0m it was called limited TEST. It was a test built or a beta build not the completed game. The point of those builds is to test the servers and find bugs in the game.

  18. No one forced those players to use the command. While yes, it's a valve bug, blaming them for what those players did themselves, is ridiculous.
    Dudes knowingly and purposely, used a specific command that they KNEW was cheating/exploit, both things against TOS, putting their careers at risk. 2 Years might be too much, I agree, but again, they did this to themselves and they have no one else than themselves to blame. Multiple bad decisions were taken, and none of em were valve's. As a pro player, you should be smarter.

  19. I wonder what would have happened if they were actual, well known pros (not academy players) what would have happened. We see famous soccer players get their vacs removed (outside the false positive vac ban waves). Cadian admitted to cheating when he was younger & no repurcussions? Yet lesser known pros who had accounts linked to them years before they went legit get banned. My theory is that Faceit is preventing Valve from creating an anticheat because if they did, they would lose so many players.

  20. This is going to be a disliked opinion (and I don't know if I wanted it personally) but Valve should get rid of the console and launch options/auto exec's. Stuff like this would not happen, all setting then are done through the setting menu and everything they want us to change can be in there.

  21. Even if you’re facing a cheater, cheating is cheating. You broke the tos and integrity of the match yourself and deserve to be punished accordingly. And if you’re a pro player it’s even more grave as if you get away with a light punishment, it will encourage more cheating.

  22. Why where they even tipping in the command, if it's known that it works?
    Very dumb decision making of the players, especially when they are pros.

  23. as Ohne said, its a part of the game so if it was MM yes ur a scumbag but Valve cant really ban them cuz it is litterally just in the game for some weird reason, but its Faceit, u can SEE PEOPLE THROUGH WALLS, its so obviously cheating yet they still decided to use it. I dont exactly know how faceit bans work, but I assume if he was ACTUALLY full on cheating with cheating software etc it wouldve been a perma ban, anyways my point is that its cheating and they deserve a ban as much as any other cheater does.

  24. Faceit is full of sh*, I've seen so many cheaters on faceit, after a few reports to dumb admins about some certain players that they are cheating, but them, they just don't give a f* , and a few month later I see them getting banned, not worth to pay for that sh***.

  25. why try it at all? and especially why try it during faceit? the game is fully released now (according to valve) so I understand why nothing was done back then

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