Counter-Strike 2

This Young Pro Just Changed Counter-Strike Forever

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Donk absolutely destroyed the best players in CS2 at Katowice 2024 putting up an insane performance and crazy donk highlights. This video analyzes why donk could be the next best counter-strike player, or could fall into obscurity very quickly.

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  1. Even when not playing with high ping, playing like that keeps you focused and alert.

    It can be really easy to zone out if you hold an angle super still.

    Finally, of course he's making himself harder to hit if someone wide swings him and he isn't ready

  2. So his style is not new, 1.6 and source and his style was very common. The game slowed down when spray patterns got really introduced, before that it was really all reflexes, who had them and how do you get someone to miss? Keep moving, just like he is. I personally hated the transition to spray patterns, it made reflex 2nd, what I mean is, if me and someone with an m4 both saw each other and flicked, who ever had the proper spray pattern down better won not the one with the reflex 1st. But hey it is what it is, glad he is bringing back the old style and I still love this game.

  3. What Donk did to Faze in a BO5 final should not be possible. 1.93 rating against some of the most experienced players when it comes to arena CS and playoffs, all that in finals no less where pressure is the highest. Against Karrigan who is well known for being able to figure things out on the fly and counter such things.

  4. the difference between donk and other pros is that while other pros are certainly talented players who've pushed their limits, donk is simply a true prodigy. He's wired for counter strike and so he is able to adapt and learn by playing the game far better than others because they have to focus on training individual skills separately while donk can train everything all at once.

  5. Could be. But also could be just cheating. There are a few, literally a few signs.

  6. Nah, donk is gonna fall off and eventually end up like Stewie. His playstyle is the epitome of everything you shouldn't do in CS, once people get over the nerves of playing him and start treating him like anyone else he's not gonna be able to pull off any of these braindead plays he's been getting away with. Let's look at the bathrooms clip at 4:20, if this was literally any other player in the game they would've got one kill and been insta traded but because it's donk the best players in the world somehow magically can't shoot back at him. Also, crouch spamming is a very bad habit and is easy to exploit once you know someone likes to do it. If you're playing against someone that crouch spams all you have to do is start jiggle peeking and baiting them into crouching that way they can't move when you swing for your real peek.

  7. old csgo recoil that spray woulda been all heads and a lot faster, that was sloppy by old standards

  8. Absolutely insane that if you do the math, Donk has played (on average) 2.25 hours of CS every single day since he was born. He has arguably spent more time playing CS than he has spent eating or going to the bathroom.

  9. the thing retakes and deathmatch and other training tools lack is gamesense. you get better at doing a thing by doing the thing. if you wanna get better at the whole of counterstrike, you have to play the whole of counterstrike.

  10. donk was absolutely nuts in csgo aswell (like yeah no shit obviously he was) but the morons that said his playstyle "only works because of cs2" cant think whatsoever.

  11. within a few seconds of watching this video i just checked out. my brain automatically tunes this exact narrative out because going forward, all of these kinds of stories are going to end up being people who augment their skills with AI. you cant detect AI. it can nudge you forward or make you literally unbeatable. very soon the entire video game world will be so filled with augmenters that everyone will know it and it will just become an accepted thing. then tournaments will start being played on verified hardware in verified facilities in response. but being excited about a new, up and coming player who hasnt played on verified hardware yet? thats done. maybe this will be the last time it happens for this game.

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