Counter-Strike 2

CS2 Update: Fixed Spawns, Fixed Inconsistent Jumps & More!

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  1. Inferno is overcrowded map with too much of details, I get stucked in objects when moving backwards, freaking boxes, scooters etc.

  2. this is not a recent issue maximuh, ever since cs 2 got released throwing grenades felt not as smooth as csgo, maybe now they fixed it. (because i throw grenade + and then swap wep)

  3. Make Inferno great again.

    Still needs many many more changes to bring it back to glory

  4. Verry nice verry nice. Still can’t play the fucking game without someone cheating is the most obvious fucking way

  5. Cs2 community falling apart, players leave, insane amount of cheaters goes unpunished
    Lets remove some pots on inferno πŸ˜‚

  6. I can confirm that the performance changes are big. They basically brought back the performance from before arms race/new smokes for me and my friends.

    Edit: after further tests, the performance is better but it's not at the level from a few weeks ago.

  7. Do the flashbangs REALLY bother people? It's normalized to be a loud as other effects. If anything, gunshots are quite loud. Not abrasive like they were, just loud.

  8. 1 match 3 times crash. Every single game like this. Idk why, i play at internet cafe btw just little bit i know about specifications.. i know they using vga gtx 1050

  9. i can't hold my right click for zooming close & unscoping its just get stuck on first zoom when i hold

  10. Why are they not doing anything against cheaters? its impossible to play /atleast above 20k elo)

  11. i dont understand why they dont just disable chickens in competitive… it can have its place in casual but not in comp, cmon valve…

  12. 1:59 This bug was common in scp secret laboratory and to reproduce it you need to find something that lags the game and while middle of that lag spike you press space or any other key , i used this bug in scp sl to get on places that no one can see , and this bug seems to be happen on any game

  13. I miss old inferno where you could get boosted up onto the pillar in the shadows on B site to ninja defuse

  14. Theyre doing the right thing, now make the servers 128 tickrate and we have a real game on our hands

  15. Yeah they do nothing about the cheaters…. I see no point in playing until a fixed game full of cheaters….

  16. 5:10 Removing one bench from inferrno πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Definitely will make pros want to play this garbage of a map, they should just remove every flower pot and 80% of the extra garbage (figuratively and literally) assets that are cluttered around the map causing clipping, and then maybe, maybe pro players start playing inferno again.

    Not only would it make the map play better in terms of just feel, but also would probably boost fps 20-50%

  17. I assume Valve don't explicitly mention changes to movement where there were previous inconsistencies, to see if people feel the difference without it being mentioned. If people feel an improvement, they can be happy. If people feel no change or feel worse, they know they have to continue improving it.

  18. The inconsistent jumps was/ (probably is) an actual bug you can utilize in Roblox. Setting your FPS lower can make you jump really high

  19. How long people will cry about fps? Like "I had 321 fps, now i have 290" – Boo hoo, i doesn fking matter!

  20. Is it just me or when you jump into a practice game to practice different instant-smokes YOU CAN'T BECAUSE YOU KEEP SPAWNING IN THE SAME PLACE?

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