Counter-Strike 2

New CS2 update fixes mid-throws & improves bob

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byu/walk3 from discussion

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  1. The report change is kinda alright because half the time if people thought you cheated they would report you for everything including griefing and you would get a griefing cooldown.

  2. 4:01 they should remove the ''griefing'' option in the report section. its literally abused by every mad child that plays this game. if you wonder why, its enough to get 5x times reported for griefing and you get instantly a 2 week ban.

  3. The throw thing was dependent if you did left right or right left first it would change how far it would go

  4. This latest update made me reconfigure all my keyboard keys because I use a French keyboard and my keys were removed each time I started CS2. I use the A key for "use" but the A key is your Q key in English keyboard, and so when I press to use, it steps me to the left, because in France we use the Q key to move to the left.

    Very boring. The solution for me was to delete the 730 file in Steam and delete my autoexec. I reconfigured everything properly (video and binds).

    I had a lot of bind before in my autoexec, I deleted everything and I only kept my jumpthrow.

    I also deleted my launch options. This keyboard update really sucks.

  5. But usually people cheat both with aim + WH, so at least that combo should be combined or stiill being able to be selected

  6. What i notice abaout perfomance is that when running on empty server fps seems better and more stable but on the other hand when going on DM fps is all over the place, like im running on empty server at dust2 with over 600fps all the time on dm it can drop as low as 300.

  7. Still don't understand why we get 3 seperate report options when it comes to cheating. It's literally all cheating…

  8. Can anyone please explain why valve isn’t fixing the ranking system yet?? I have 44 wins on dust 2 and still no rank up.

  9. They be messing up with bob, viewmodel settings to make it appear that they're doing some work instead of making a good anti-cheat. And still no option for left-handed viewmodel as well which is bare minimum for a game like cs. They earned over a billion dollars from csgo last year only I believe.

  10. i'd definitely prefer if they maybe reduced the report choices to 2/3 – what if my mate is cheating and griefing, or my enemy is cheating and spamming the N-word? etc etc

  11. we will see alot more cheaters now. before cheaters didnt get detected, but atleast the obvious ones got 1week griefing cooldown every other game consistantly.

  12. In csgo I could NEVER PLAY comp because people reported me for "grefing" in enemy team when they tought I was cheating and then got comp banned for too many reports, probably why they changed it so you can only choose one option, never had this issue in cs2 though

  13. probably they dont care, valve is like.. hmm they want bob? ok we will destroy it and we give them something else. same thing with everything end about cheaters???? the most important thing… they dont care

  14. those statues in cache look horrible and its gonna another map with mega clipping issues and nades going random places.. why is there sooo much random clutter in the game and in the maps now?? like its such bs to have a random bird fly in the sky and you trow a molly but somehow the fucking particles from the flames stay on your screen for a week when you trow a molly.. all these random bags and shit on the map that you cant even interract with is just stupid to me.. then you have these more stupid things on the maps where you can interract with that should not be.. like a stupid sign or some bottles.. but i cant shoot a trashbag jump on it or anything.. its just there in the way for nothing. same as those signs and bottles and all these things to make the map look.. like crap! also not being able to cleardecals is fucking irritating imo! also a fps chugger and my game is sooo unstable its crazy one second i have 100 fps other second i have almost 400 this goes more crazy on most maps.. like how can i be looking at a wall and it has 120 fps then i start moving it goes to 200 then when i start shooting and smokes etc it goes down and up like crazy. main problem in the game is CHEATERS!! nothing else mathers right now but cheaters. most days i play it is rare to not have cheaters in the game. how can that even be a thing???? like it is super rare today to find a game without any cheaters, every game ive played so far premier comp random dm had cheaters in it.. i had 20k+ and i thought maybe i have to go down in rating to stop seeing them nononooo i have had all ratings now and its even worse around 15k its the worst..once you get there? every single game has cheaters in it! and very blatant onces not like omg is that donk or simple? guys who insta hs you the millisecond you peel anywhere on the map, you rush a? that one guy is there, you rush b? that one guy is now on b you rush mid? that one guy is now mid. etc etc CHEATERS is the problem nothing else right now.

  15. How can i fix long time of loading map
    I tested on 3 good ssds its not problem with disc, because it was ok before this big 8GB update

  16. i feel like the report is dumb if someone is spinning in your game (which is pretty much every premier game) i cannot report them for aim, wall, and other all at once dumb update imo

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