Counter-Strike 2

Get F@*king Donk’d

Ladies and gentlemen… Donk.

CS2’s first Katowice, live in the Spodek, came to an explosive conclusion. If you missed it, strap in because the greatest CS player in the world might be a teenager with a bowl cut.

Now, Kato was always going to be a big deal. Not only was it the first big tournament of the year but it was arguably the biggest event of CS2 so far.

Written & Hosted by: Devin Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Andrew Faigal (@Brrrning)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Footage courtesy of:

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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. Problem is we don't want someone like him representing our community, even though it may be accurate to an extent. He is fantastic though

  2. yeah sure Donks stats are insane but the fact is that luck was always on the side of Spirit, lets wait until the honeymoon phase of this roster is over and then we'll see if it wasn't just a massive fluke.

  3. i mean s1mple was toxic to teammates in his younger years, and this donk is shouting to the enemy team. i don't see a problem here masterclass tilting enemy

  4. you are witnessing the birth of a new era of cs with a roster which is going to make history over the coming years, and im predicting for donk to finish at least top 3 in the hltv player rankings for 2024

  5. Never doubted him. I just do not like him. I respect him as a player and dislike him as a person.

  6. Fun fact – the Polish word "spodek" is shorthand for "latający spodek" which translates to "flying saucer" 😉

  7. I have never ever seen someone dominate in the way he does he is a cheat code without cheats absolutely insane

  8. I am really interested to know whether he could have possibly been cheating even on LAN. Remember these are Russian players and not only is this country known for war crimes but they have the worst international reputation for cheating in sports too, be in figure skating, cycling, gymnastics etc. I would not be surprised if he had some sort of communication based cheating (live feed of opposition locations being spoken to him), or at least I would assume he is taking performance enhancing drugs that would not be available to the opposition (powerful nootropics for reactions times, ADHD meds for focus etc). Either way it was clear that team spirit had an unfair advantage somewhere in the pipeline of these matches.

  9. The people he's playing against spent 10+ years on CS though. The games changed. Give the OGs time to warm up to it

  10. It's so refreshing to see a prodigy this level, screw the "toxicity", s1mple in his time was so much more toxic, but he's the goat of cs:go now isn't he.

  11. Russian cheater in CS? Oh no. Never happened… Lucky for him, Valve supports cheaters. 😀

  12. idk how anyone can be hatin on donk i feel like cs is his whole life and theres noting better for us fans than watching these crazy kids play on the biggest stages

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