Counter-Strike 2


CS2 has finally received its first major content update. It isn’t big, but it’s something.

We got new skins, weird new sticker tech, new modes to play, smoke changes and, most importantly, they finally fixed peeker’s advantage.

At least, that’s what they’re claiming. Is CS2 fixed? Let’s talk about it.

Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Edited by: Andrew Faigal
Thumbnail by: Thumbnail by: William O’Keefe (@magoo_o)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. Stop kissing valve's ass. They are not even halfway done until they finnaly stop the cheaters and intruduce really working anticheat not the vac crap.

  2. delusional video way too soon. do you even go into the discussion area of the cs2 steam community section?
    every 5 minutes 10 posts are being made by people who cant play, their keys or mouse doesnt register, their fps
    is capped on 1fps, their voice activation doesnt work anymore. every third post is by a person who has issues even
    playing or starting the game. then there is people with decent pc systems who have tons of issues. every third post
    is about now being even more cheaters in the lobbies than before.
    i played csgo for 10 years, and i dont give a fuck about a sticker or skin. this case isnt anything special that needs to
    be mentioned, or used as an argument why people should praise the update… for me arms race matters. for me new
    angles and maps matters. thera (santorini) and biome are done in the workshop, and alot of wingman maps are ported
    over already. what was the problem just bringing a bit more variety into the official modes?? wasnt too hard for them
    at all. but they still dont do it. dont hate me if i cant play cpl_strike and cpl_mill anymore (inferno, mirage), since i know
    them since almost 20 years, and i really play the game to put myself into the new maps, and be one of the first people
    to understand the contact points, timings, and positions to stand, nade.

  3. anyone else having issues post yesterdays small update. on a few maps their were issues sticking plants for bomb and grenades/smokes/molys couldn't be timed out to throw they would throw on their own while your trying to do setups

  4. My performance has taken a big hit this update and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one. All worth it for a little icon that lets people know I have reduced XP!

  5. I stopped playing CS2 bc of the lack of casual gamemodes, if they keep reintroducing these casual modes I may return. Say what you will about Valorant but it's a much better casual game at the moment

  6. the smokes look a little grainy sometimes but the peekers advantage seems better and the game feels more smooth

  7. you all to young , transition from 1.6 to CSS or CS:GO were the worst , in october i played my 1st game of cs2 it felt instantly PLAYING cs ,even if it was bad , back in days going from CS1.6 to CS:GO or SOURCE was just impossible for true lovers , it never felt playing real cs before years and years on those games , thats why 20 later you guys still have same bullet patterns on weapons , cos the only real game was 1.6 and CS2 is the game that came closer to 1.6 the fastest after release so stop crying all of you , you guys playing the best esport game ever realeased and you still cant realize it , wait at least 1 Year , get real bros , CS:GO was shit for 3 years straight at the start.

  8. Yeah this is cool, but is it really necessary to go out of our way for praising them, and to say CS2 is fixed? CS:GO still has more features so far than CS2, until CS2 actually surpasses CS:GO in features, we're still at a lost, and should be upset

  9. CS2 never has been stuttering lagging harder since the release then after the update for me wtf u mean its fixed xD any fixes ?

  10. I love the arms race, most of my time spent on csgo is on this mode. But I have to say, I did not enjoy the redesign of the maps. At least we have the arms race back, so I think that's a win after all.

  11. played a game and ive noticed a lot more stuttering and i literally teleport 3 times a game so. I dont think the issues has been fixed yet.

  12. I hope that we as player give this a real chance and I hope Valve gives some of us a chance by actually talking to us. I am super glad about this update.

  13. still had glitch when i throw grenade it didnt throw it… in inferno banana… died because of it… bring back 128tick

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