
Battlestation: Work Edition

My office battlestation, I work in IT and still run out of monitor space on a daily basis. I also have another nearly identical work-from-home setup, might post that one too.

by ChasingKayla


  1. -_Hunhow_-

    Where’s the floating astronaut?!?

    But seriously though, if this is Wallpaper Engine, personally I’d have a slideshow of different wallpaper playlists playing on each monitor. It’s what I have for my personal setup, shit’s dope af but again, that’s just me.

  2. BlackGamer260

    Great setup!

    How did you connect 3 monitors, and if its a splitter can you show me a link. Thanks

  3. Deadeye_X7

    Love the purple/blue vibe. What’s that airpods charger/lamp on the right?

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