Counter-Strike 2

Banned For Playing Too Much CS2

There are plenty of ways to get banned from a game. Cheating, obviously. Boosting. Even unsportsmanlike conduct can get you the hammer.

But we may have just seen the most bizarre reason yet: playing too much.

Written & Hosted by: Devil Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Sebastien Martin-Schultz (@sebdot)
Thumbnail by: William O’Keefe (@magoo_o)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

All footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. congrats to faceit, they actually care about the user, tbh If I'm a director there I don't want to hear that a dude died playing too much faceit, imagine the PR nightmare

  2. It's kind of funny that Faceit forbids overplaying with premium missions that are impossible to complete if you don't play often

  3. i will say its all personal when it comes to length of time you can grind there is no evidence of a healthy person playing for hours and dying lmfao

  4. I think, in general, we need to get away from the mentality that playing for long periods of time is good at all. Yeah we can talk about whether China's taking the right approach, but on some level they're at least trying to stop the problem before it becomes one, and I think that's worth paying attention to. It doesn't have to involve saying you can't play games at all after certain times, or you're limited to a certain number of hours per day/week/month, but seriously adjusting attitudes toward binge sessions is a good thing.

  5. china's approach to gaming and internet usage, especially with regard to the youth, is an example the rest of the world should be following and outrage about it in the west is reflective of our toxic culture within gaming and society more broadly

  6. Gaming addiction IS real addiction. Don't separate it from others. It can cause as much harm as the rest.

  7. Sure the intention is good, to prevent him harming himself more by not sleeping. But are we alright with this outreach control from the dev? This could lead into a slippery slope argument. A player could be banned for political or socio-economic argument that he or she agreed that hurt dev's feeling or damaging to their brand (FACEIT).

  8. Ngl. I would love to see more bans like this (especially for players under 18). You can say whatever you want, but China knows what they're doing with their bans and restrictions on all of the addictive stuff (like gambling, alcohol, games, etc.). The rest of the world doesn't really know, so kids spend countless hours doing some useless sht instead of improving in live 😅(and we blame that on parents instead of on companies trying every single strat to lure people in and manipulate them in secret…).

  9. This is insane, why people support this?
    Anyone can play as much as they want, how the F some random moderator can ban you for doing what you want without breaking any rules?
    It's literally taking away his rights and freedoms

  10. imagine grinding the faceit premium quest for the knife for at least a week and getting a ban like this. too good

  11. You talk about addiction issues while wearing clothing that sponsors your company's betting site? what an irony

  12. wow if i play for more than 4 hours i feel like shit idk how he was able to play for that long.

  13. I got false game banned for cheating on cs2 and it says it was overwatch, but overwatch doesnt exist its VAC Live which is an AI, which seems to not work.

  14. I remember about 25 years ago my neighbor and I stayed up all night to beat Contra on NES. We had tears coming from our eyes from looking at the screen for so long but we did it 😭

  15. I mean, if this ban was not put in place, we might get another "A man plays online video game for 5 days straight without leaving his seat or sleeping, this is what happened to his body. GC is a 20 years old man presenting to the emergency room with… (with one finger pointing up)"

  16. If we are okay with games putting in daily spending cap so people with no self-control can't spend all their savings in a day on gacha, we should also be okay with have a consecutive time cap once we get to the point of 3 days without even an hour sleep.

  17. StarCraft Broodwar players have lost their lives due to playing several days without a break. Cardiac arrest in 20 year olds isn't a headline faceit wants.

  18. I think they made the right call, in theory but the degree was a bit much. An 8 or 12 hour ban should be fine. The reason is not what you think. As a streamer this guy is an asset for marketing, and they can't afford to lose this asset or have a negative review. I'm sure many players were reporting him for cheating when he was in fact just good. This causes players to stop playing because they believe a cheater in ruining their matches. To keep player count high they banned him but left him a heart emoji. Companies should never get to make these decisions for players. All sports players take on a risk to play. The user gets to decide their level of risk if they are an adult. Minors however should not have internet access at all. I would like to see a law preventing companies from being able to make these draconian human rights violations, but it needs to come pared with realistic limits on the internet as a whole, first. Raise the minimum age to use internet to 30 to fix most of society's problems.

    TL:DR Fiscally the correct choice, In every other way: the incorrect choice.

  19. i remember a kid died on a net cafe for playing for almost 2 days not going home once during his session

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