So who’s been playing Palworld?

So who’s been playing Palworld?


  1. Assaltwaffle

    Since Pokémon is the largest media franchise on Earth, it is definitely a “cheap” knock off.

  2. Default_Defect

    It has a lot going on that I have no interest in, but most seem to enjoy it for all of that.

  3. bamseogbalade

    It’s really not a good name for a game 😅😅☠️

  4. Failfoxnyckzex

    This game made huge success in Brazil because Pal have the same pronouciation as the word “pau” which means “stick” or a big piece of wood in english so you kinda get where i’m going here.

    Pal fluid, Pal = Pau = stick -> “Stick fluid”

    Riding a pal -> “Riding a stick”


  5. BralessVictory

    It’s a lot of fun, and it really does feel like the next step that Pokémon games never took, and then a bit further.

  6. I heard the description and was like “sounds shit, ngl”.

    Then I watched some gameplay and actually it looks pretty good.

  7. game will be dead soon tbh.. it will just be a fotm game

  8. Light-Delablue

    I wait for review . I remeber there previous game completely far away from the trailer and promise .

  9. BoomerKnight69

    I hope it doesn’t get abandoned, well maybe not with 800k players. The devs abandoned their last game even though it had quite a player base and fixed none of the bugs in 3 years.

  10. amazed_researcher

    Reasonable price for a solid game, bunch of content, they did what pokemon couldnt (didnt dare), they even released in January, (a month where no AAA company releases any product because people already spent their money in xmas and they havent got their Jan paycheck).

  11. I don’t play early access games anymore. Tired of getting half a game, then having to wait 2+ years to get the full, and by then the whole story and vibe is ruined.

  12. ![gif](giphy|ZebTmyvw85gnm)

    Temtem: Don’t you ever forget about me!

  13. BlurredSight

    Ok so is this the one where you can behead / kill your not Pokémon?

  14. All of the monsters in it are like ai art knock offs of Pokemon. I was super interested in the game but they needed their own designs.

  15. Playing palworld just makes me think how great actual pokemon games would be with base building. If pokemon creators tried to inovate their games.

  16. StumptownRetro

    People will forget about this just like they did Temtem. I don’t trust this to last.

  17. xCaptainCl3mentinex

    It came out at a bad time for me. I really wanna join the hype, but I don’t have motive to game rn

  18. The game looks incredibly fun to play and I’m very tempted to get it once I build my new pc in a few weeks however I saw some people on twitter say the game uses ai art. Can anyone confirm this because even if the game looks amazing I don’t want to support AI art

  19. BlessedbyShaggy

    This game feels more like ark than pokemon, really it just has pokemons instead of dinos

  20. Gremliner00

    I was absolutely shocked the game seems to have turned out a lot more polished whilst being an “open-world style similar to Breath of the Wild with elements of Fortnite mixed with Pokemon survivor game”, in early access might I add, not be a complete dumpster fire, and puts recent Pokemon releases to absolute shame.

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