Counter-Strike 2

First CS2 Major, Total Disaster

We are just days into the open qualifier for the first ever CS2 major and s**t is already hitting the fan.

We got teams cheating, constant delays, a whole slew of technical difficulties, and a team of TO’s that aren’t resolving anything.

This was supposed to be the true start of Counter-Strikes new era but things couldn’t be worse right now.

Written & Hosted by: Devil Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Sam Gore
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Footage Courtesy:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. It's actually crazy how many people cheat. It just goes to show that not everyone deserves a good life. Yes, its "just a game", but just cheating really reflects who you are as a person and I can bet that they are scumbags in all other aspects of life.

  2. There still some No Name Players with 0.97/0.87 kd with an aimrating of 93 with 2600 elo. All History is Red(banned accs) and they can Just "aim".

  3. no no no you did not just say faceit has competitive integrity when they were bought by saudi blood money get real bro do you even realize whats happening in your own little game you like to journalize

  4. Crazy, almost like it's a new game and these things happen.

    This happens with every new version of CS, EVERY NEW VERSION.
    Only difference is that every time, it's the newest bunch of smooth brained players think that CS:GO started off as good as it is.

  5. I think I'll go watch PubG esports. Less of a shitshow and the parent company seems to actually put up money and effort into running the tourneys.

  6. People that defends cs2 and valve is a sheep eating a turd, multibillion company can't even fix tick servers

  7. the game is just fine and it will get better by then , simple is a shity crying player, keep crying while zywoo is building his empire

  8. I think they should've waited a year with any major tournaments. The game is too fresh for professional esports. Should've let it ripe a bit more before trying to pick up where csgo left off.

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