Got this (3060?) at an amazon return store, for $15 it was worth the risk. Is the damage substantial?

pic 1 bend in heat sync(?)
pic 2 the plastic isnt level, not sure if its supposed to be that way
pic 3 is just the gpu
scanning it says its a 3060


  1. FreeNet_Coyote

    I think you got a great deal, the fin won’t really matter. Post a benchmark of it when installed.

  2. --_-__-___---_

    the backplate alone costs more than that. run some games or tests and if it works you got the deal of a lifetime

  3. AAKphoenix

    If you are willing to gamble for $15 (assuming US), then if it does not work then paperweight or (stay with me on this) a subject for dissection.

  4. First photo, a couple bent fins is negligible. Looks kinda janky but since it’s on the PCI-side of the card, you’ll never see it after install.

    Second photo looked bad to me at first, but it’s just a weird perspective I think. As long as that shroud isn’t floppy loose or interfering with any fan blades, it’s fine. It’s just plastic.

  5. Dapper-Opening2000

    holy fuck guys it works, userbenchmark server is full but will update when i run one.

  6. Barely any damage on it and the damage is on parts which won’t cause an issue, try it out but it should be good, that’s a great price too.

  7. m1raclemile

    If you don’t wanna risk it, I’ll refund your money plus pay shipping costs to me so I can build my first pc (since 2002)!

  8. BizarroKlyza

    Did you plug it in to test before posting here?

  9. Agnt_DRKbootie

    Considering it’s an Asus there’s a lot of ego damage. JK my Asus 550ti was a tank but idk about their new cards. If it runs I wouldn’t worry. I dropped my RX580 on a tile floor and it runs fine.

  10. It’s junk. I’ll do you a solid and give you $20 for it.

  11. vinnymendoza09

    Looks workable to me, you got an insane deal.

  12. Unable_Resolve7338

    Bent fins can easily be bent back. Shroud being crooked only poses a problem if the fans are hitting something or if it isnt screwed on properly, I’d check if the metal plate is directly touching the gpu die though.

  13. graffiksguru

    It’s screwed. I’ll take it off your hands for 20

  14. Hybrid_Backyard

    Seems like a fin bent… It’s just the cooler if the temps are ok when you use it I wouldn’t be picky.

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