Who else wants a 1:1 size Lego PC next to their actual PC?

Who else wants a 1:1 size Lego PC next to their actual PC?


  1. 1CurlyHeadedFuck

    This would honestly be kind of dope ngl. I’d buy it.

  2. I want someone to build a working pc inside that case.

  3. glyiasziple

    probably would cost more than the actually pc itself. legos expensive

  4. It costs a bit more, but doesn’t consume any electricity so you end up saving money after a few decades

  5. blackest-Knight

    Ah, good ol’ AI generated Lego LIAN LI O11 that’s completely wrong. I think it’s been a good 2 minutes since this was last posted.

  6. Darnakulus

    I would not only buy this I would match my light scheme in my real tower to the coloration of that one 👍🔥

  7. As someone who actually builds with LEGO, I absolutely HATE these AI generated “LEGO” images that pop up everywhere that doesn’t look even remotely like LEGO in any way, hell it doesn’t even look like a proper PC.

    Secondly, a PC built in that size and would most likely cost way more than the PC it self.

  8. saveyourtissues

    Lego could get into the PC case business

  9. aMythicalNerd

    Jokes on you, I would use lego’s for my case.

  10. I‘m not willing to give Lego money anymore. If there would be another company which is selling it (Bluebrix) then maybe.

  11. RandomTeenager3

    oh I would buy this 100% would love to replicate my pc
    also my specs: 7600, 6700xt, deepcool ls720 aio, nzxt h9 flow, 2×16 trident z5

  12. chicken_with_teeth

    I personally want a decent sized Lego Marder 1A3 infantry fighting vehicle that can just sit on my desk and collect dust but still look sick af.

  13. PsychedelicAstroturf

    Now I want someone to make a case out of Legos, put hardware in it and have it post lol.

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