Cyberpunk 2077

It’s moments like this just happening unexpectedly that make Cyberpunk one of my top games of all time. Stunning.

It’s moments like this just happening unexpectedly that make Cyberpunk one of my top games of all time. Stunning.


  1. randomgunfire48

    I sat in complete silence watching this in-game. Absolutely incredible work

  2. Pharmboy6

    Ya. I was blown away at release few years ago. Always tried to get people to give game a try, if they had next gen system or good pc. I still feel the main campaign is one of best games ever made.

    Sadly a lot of youtube bandwagon hoppers still won’t give game a try cuz it was labeled terrible.

  3. This game is a work of art. Really wish there would be more DLCs lined up but I guess we have to take what we get…

  4. Realistic_Sad_Story

    I’m such a sucker for shit like this in video games. I can’t wait to start my first playthrough soon.

    Where do I find this place?

  5. You can even rewatch this on your couch in your first apartment from the first row

  6. Ciubowski

    Cyberpunk for me wasn’t just a game. It was a show. An experience.

    Despite the shit storm that was the release of the game, the development team delivered a great experience (even after a few years) and then some.

    I heard a news story about the patch that it cost them $60 mil to make the 2.1 patch and another $60 mil or so for the DLC.

    Not sure how accurate those numbers were but in hindsight, this could very well have been a budget for another game.

    Now, I know they prob have plenty of reserves and investor’s trust now and they have learned from their mistakes.

    Can’t wait for Cyberpunk sequel game.

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