Microsoft just wants you to upgrade to windows 11

Microsoft just wants you to upgrade to windows 11


  1. MasterJeebus

    I want to upgrade my old rigs to 11 but Microsoft says no says they are 10 years old. Could bypass with Rufus but I wanted to see if Microsoft would break and just allow the updates. Instead they took away the W7 upgrades 2 months ago. Lol

  2. DungeonCrawlLife

    I hate how in windows 11 I need to press an extra button if I want to right click and see the options.

  3. bobby4385739048579

    if you want it to stop asking you tto install win11

    disable TPM in bios, ull no longer meet the requirements and it wont ask you ever again

  4. 1CurlyHeadedFuck

    Only reason not to upgrade to 11 is your hardware isn’t compatible or you’re still in the cringe circle jerk “win11 bad”

  5. theblackyeti

    I upgraded when it told me I could. I wasn’t able to before so idk what changed lol

  6. nationalistsimian

    Windows 11 works great for me, I have a modern system tho

  7. ShizZzo_phAme

    No, Windows 10 was the last Windows Microsoft will make!!

  8. wubbbalubbadubdub

    My computer is from 2015 and doesn’t have TPM.

  9. There’s still people out there that use windows XP.

    Windows 10 “enthusiasts” will stick with it for another decade.
    Windows 20 can come out and they’ll still be using 10 out of stubbornness.

  10. Shujan109

    So many people around me told me not to upgrade 11 so i am still using 10 but i don’t know why. Should i upgrade it to 11?

  11. Then fucking let me without fucking around with my mono for TPM

  12. K1W1-Elite

    Be upgrading to Linux full time before I go to Windows 11, really tried to bare with it but it changing settings and shit every update, forcing me to have shit I don’t want,need or use every update is only driving that wedge in deeper.

  13. GinjaNinja-NZ

    Ehh, I’ll see if 12 is any good. If Microsoft’s good-bad-good-bad history is anything to go by, it should be

  14. Intelligent_Hat_3582

    As someone who disliked the Windows 11 Beta, im fully switched to Windows 11 on all of my device and so far im quite happy with it. There are a few things that I miss from Windows 10, but its manageable.

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