
It’s been 26 years, Tomba was such a amazing platformer game, that demo disc convinced me to get the full game.

It’s been 26 years, Tomba was such a amazing platformer game, that demo disc convinced me to get the full game.


  1. RandyHill2551

    I have clear memories of playing that demo over and over – I’m surprised it didn’t melt.

  2. Tomba! 2 has to be my most favourite game ever. What I’d do to relive those moments

  3. SpeakNotTheWatchers

    Fuck the windy mountain. That is all. (but love both these games tbh)

  4. Plus_Injury8786

    Oh damn, 1 and 2 are one of my favorite games

  5. Tomba! Was genuinely one of the best games of its era IMO. The franchise had so much potential, I firmly believe that it could have been PlayStation‘s Zelda, it´s sad what happened to it. Both games where incredible but specially the second for me, got the 112% many times.

  6. DragonsDogmaEnjoyer

    Such a great game. Tomba 2 is also great!

  7. spaceraingame

    I would really prefer if you would be quiet.

  8. KitKatWaffles

    Love Tomba so much! Hopefully the remaster being done by Limited Run gets a release date soon and does well enough that Tomba 2 gets a remaster as well! It’ll be amazing to play this again 🙂

  9. is it the same demo with einhander spyro..bunch of games?

    played the hell out of that demo

  10. TranscendentalLove

    I have this memory of being a kid needing to go to my dad’s house and getting to the end of the demo where the elders are like ‘we are considering the (something)’ and I literally thought that something would happen and kept asking everyone to hold on until they “considered” it. That was just the end of the demo lol

  11. _SkullBearer_

    Oh man, my brother won a Playstation back in the day and we got this as a free game. Hella fun but I got stuck on one level and had no idea how the proceed. 🙁 The time before the internet.

  12. WookieBacon

    Bought it again on PS3 and still haven’t beaten it.

  13. ZeroRains

    Everytime I see this game it reminds me of the GDQ disaster 😂

  14. Wrung as much out of the demo as I could, then promptly went to Target to see if they had it. I was in luck.

  15. Different_Ad9336

    One of my all time favorites. Did you ever play tomba 2? More rpg elements but still very much like the original.

  16. Different_Ad9336

    I loved the concept of the increasingly older wide men and the skill progression system. Way ahead of its time and many indie platform era of today borrow ideas from its gameplay.

  17. Loves the demo but tomba 2 (tombi) was an amazing game

  18. Demo disc did for me too. The thing was Electronic crack.

  19. muttons_1337

    The Pizza Hut Demo Discs were GOAT

    I’ve been saying constantly we need a Tomba remake for years!

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