Cyberpunk 2077

What was your main motivation when you picked a Phantom Liberty ending?

What was your main motivation when you picked a Phantom Liberty ending?


  1. I wanna be able to get all the endings for the trophy.

  2. Alcheymyst

    Sided with Reed initially because I went in blind and didn’t have Songs back story to make a decision in her favour

  3. Pumpergod1337

    I sided with song and then gave her up to Reed at the end.

    Alex lives, I get the cure. Ezpz

  4. microwavefridge2000

    Any degree of working in Myers’ interest would leave me with bad taste in my mouth like I would ate a bowl of garlick and then did’t brush teeth for three days straight. Not to mention when I realized what FIA doesn’t mind doing to a human, my opinion about them took a nose dive.

    As a consequence, I gladly took their person-turned-into-WMD out of their hands and sent S. to the moon.

    It doesn’t have to be “wrong city, wrong people” for everyone.

  5. I sided with Song because I was angry that a certain kidnapping mission turned out to be an assassination mission. They should have told me the truth. The way they handled that mission made me feel like that’s how they’d deal with me when everything was over. So I decided not to give them the opportunity for it.

  6. Soulchill

    Side with Song, because I didn’t know I can’t kill her after I shoot Reed.

  7. Will-Isley

    Didn’t trust So Mi with the blackwall. Too dangerous. Liked reed because he’s Idris Elba. I also legit thought we could get them to talk, bury the hatchet and have reed help her escape.

    Accepted her request. After seeing everything she’s been through and after realizing reed always intended to give her back to Myers, giving her peace was the most humane thing to do. It also pushed reed to change.

  8. Mysterious-Stand3254

    Haven’t done a play through yet where I side with song. Are the end missions with her better than with reed? I really don’t like that spider hide and seek thing. Also fuck Myers

  9. Subject_Proof_6282

    Side with Song and hand her over to Reed.

    Alex still enjoying her retirement.

    Headcanon cope : V leaves NC, gets the job at Langley, contact Alex, live happily ever after together.

  10. Honestly, I was enjoying playing along side Idris Elba too much

  11. TehBigD97

    I was initially going to side with Song after seeing Reed and Alex slot the twins. But once you’re in the room with Song she tells you her plan is to activate the defences in the stadium. If you tell her that will kill lots of innocents her response is basically “oh well, as long as it let’s me escape” and I had a realisation that she was just as bad as Reed and Alex and all the rest. I figured that we’ve only seen Reed kill people that could at least loosely be considered enemy combatants (very loosely, but still). We don’t know if he would justify killing all the civilians in the Stadium for a plan, that can be debated, but we know Song would.

    A master netrunner slowly losing her mind to the Blackwall AIs and exhibiting such a callous disregard for civilians is too big of a threat in my opinion. Then after I completed the story I learned she was lying to V about the cure all along.

  12. I side with Reed cause that path has more boss fights.

  13. Early-Exercise-7408

    sided with Reed. got the help i needed so im no longer sick. after 2 years Panam is pissed of with me but its fine, ill explain everything that has happened and rejoin with the Aldacados

  14. Black-Goodson

    Side with song because fuck Meyers fuck Reed and love Alex. She’s the only sane one of the group.

    And send song to the moon for the same reasons. It’s the first ending I did and after finishing all the endings for the game I still choose sending her to the moon is the best option.

    Meyers doesn’t think of songbird as a human being and Reed doesn’t actually care about her. If he did he would have helped you send her to the moon not turn her in.

    No way this dude has worked directly with Meyers for how long and thinks she will do anything good with song.

  15. mushroom_dweller

    So many reasons. First and foremost: fuck the government. I knew she was jerking my chain from the jump, but I can’t say I would have done much different in her position. (I kept wishing there was an option to tell her to cut the shit, I’m gonna help no matter what.) Also, giving the NUSA a doomsday device seems like a bad idea.

  16. ShanklyGates_2022

    The moment they killed the twins I knew for sure Reed had killed Jacob and Taylor. Jacob was a total bro so fuck Reed at that point, imo

  17. MaskedMan8

    Sided with Song to avenge sweet, beautiful Aurore

  18. Sr_Raisin_bran

    Cuz fuck the fascist pigs in the government

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