Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Ghost wearing a scarf?

I see multiple cosplays online of people dressing up online and they have the black and white scarf on. But not a single screenshot from the video game of ghost wearing the scarf. Is this all some kind of mandela effect we all remember but now can’t find any pictures of the character In game wearing it?


  1. Willzinator

    Nah you’re right, Ghost doesn’t wear a shemagh. I’ve been seeing image 3 for years and I still don’t know why they added one.

  2. us3r_REBEL

    Idk. probably not a mandela effect but strange detail to add. maybe these folks didn’t have a hood so they added a shemagh

  3. us3r_REBEL

    Idk. probably not a mandela effect but strange detail to add. maybe these folks didn’t have a hood so they added a shemagh

  4. PaladinAustinius

    It may just be a case of the shemagh being very popular amongst the “milsim” airsoft/cosplay community around the same time as the original Modern Warfare games coming out, I myself added a shemagh to my airsoft loadout at the time just because it looked cool and everyone else was doing it lol

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