New CS:GO Ranks & #CS2 Rating correspondence! 1 million players analyzed; Sampled on 24-11-2023. Let’s see how things have changed since Nov 16th!

New CS:GO Ranks & #CS2 Rating correspondence! 1 million players analyzed; Sampled on 24-11-2023. Let’s see how things have changed since Nov 16th!


  1. Nice to see new data after the rank boost that Valve gave most people.

  2. Cyph3r010

    Assuming the “season” rank reset is just soft reset or they have hidden MMR, it will take at least a year to stabilise ranks

    Premier Ranks will never have an accurate representation of CSGO ranks if they hard reset it.

    I’ve been Supreme & had higher winrate than in Beta and ended up in 8k, and I know people who are level 10 faceit players that even got less rating than I did.

    Also overall comparing the ranks to rating feels wrong? Same with how people compared the Faceit ranks to normal ranks. The gap is massively different to even compare it.

  3. tameronik

    But sometimes you think you play on the rating (Silver). and against you in the team are former global elites.

  4. Lime7ime-

    So after being DMG in CSGO, apperently I’m now Silver 1.

  5. I used to be MG2 and am now hard stuck in the 4k range. Loving my life rn

  6. iswearitwaslikethat

    I hate the number system give me ranks with symbols back. Or better yet do what Valorant does.

  7. Portable-fun

    Too many cheaters on mm for these ranks to even matter

  8. RepresentativeSun937

    Is the data consistent across all regiond

  9. AshelyLil

    So the night between the end of csgo and release of cs2 I fell 17 ranks? Damn.

    My first given rank was 1.6k after being global and level 8/9 faceit for years lmao.

  10. I got placed woth a win rate of 62,5% two days ago at 14,5K. The highest rank I ever had in csgo was LEM. So for me it works.

  11. Overall_Recognition8

    Hey this system doesn’t take into account location.

    According to this chart there’s only like 500 people who are global in NA. And no one is global Africa.

    Even if Europe has higher skill overall doesn’t mean that the top players in NA just aren’t global. It’s just a different global.

  12. Kitchen_Chemist_8491

    How exactly are scope making these correlations?

    I don’t believe in the slightest that the average LEM-SMFC are floating around 15k rating

    I have 3 friends above 15k & all of them are above 2.5k elo faceit.

    I was LE last time I played CSGO, level 8 faceit, & am 11k rating. Although the skill level does still seem to be all over the place, there’s not a chance I’m playing with and against MGEs on average.

    Could this be because of how fucked up MM ranks were in NA & Aus prior to CS2.

    Are EUs premier ratings drastically different?

    Could scope do the same thing but with faceit levels?

  13. Pineapple_lord115

    Ma rank is 13,758 after calibration
    Before cs2 was LEM with highest Global

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