Counter-Strike 2

My Thoughts on Counter-Strike 2 – Lobanjica

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  1. Who knows… after 20 years of people asking for it, maybe they will make an AC…i give it 10% chance

  2. I was so satisfied by you roasting Richard Lewis. After his podcast with MauiSnake, i just can't stand that guy anymore. He basically told the community to "fuck-off" on the 128 tick topic and basically calls the community "broke" when he brings up people complaining about performance/fps issues and simply says "Valve doesn't care". Well that is the problem which needs to be addressed imo, we need to make Valve care so that they can fix the game faster and better. It's because they never cared enough for the game that the game is still in a shitty condition and people are complaining.

  3. Love the fact that there`s someone thinking just the same as some csgo veterans and actually not trying to gas light people into thinking that cs2 will be fixed or aint at shit state right now

  4. i played csgo with raw input off and mouse accl on that were available in mouse options but guess what ?? they remove it in cs 2 ,hope u montioned that next videos. and thanks for ur effort bro.

  5. What is the bases for Richard Lewis arguments in his video even? There is a pretty bad track record of 0 successful anti cheat systems developed EVER by valve. This guy is clueless. The current state of cs2 is straight up unplayable. Any content or other features are worthless if you dont have a good foundation for the game: which is a good anti cheat and betters servers. Without those things cs2 will never thrive.

  6. loba fr been on top of all things cs2. he been correct about basically everything. sure, it's fun because of the new stuff…… but come on! the game needs fixing!

  7. I just dont understand,, why would they release a game with literally EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE MECHANIC AND FEATURE WORSE THAN CSGO(????) and people playing or defending this game. I dont even like the "new amazing graphics" because when im peeking mirage A site from stairs i cant see shit with all this on my screen brightness and digital vibrance cranked up to 30000x, my eyes are fucked after 5minutes of playing this. colors look washed out and ugly.

  8. Recently watched CSGO Pro highlights and don't know whether i should laugh or cry.. That game was infinitely better to play, watch EVERYTHING

  9. flom can articulate, you should stop whining if youre caling others to go and find the bugs when youre the one making a living off of it.. content creators.. your market is crumbling, your life always was depending on valve.. now its going thorough hardships and its more yours problem than it ever was valves. im sorry to break it down to you, lets by your logic hope that they dont want to release internet two because there could be no place for you to complain if its 'not finished'. GET A JOB OR STICK WITH CHESS

  10. So what you are saying is that there is an anticheat coming but it is not coming anytime soon?
    What I have to disagree with flom is that, in his video he says that replacing Go with cs 2 was a good idea because it allowed valve to bugtest the game. I find that argument completely flawed because valve is a bliion dollar company and they can spend portion of that money on people to bugtest the game for them before releasing this mess, it feels scummy and makes me feel that the only thing valve cares about is money.

  11. idk the game (cs2) feels so shit that i don't have any mental strength to tilt anymore. cheaters every 2nd game, not regging bullets, dieing behind walls and so much of other shit. thinking of not launching this garbage until they FULLY fix it which will probably take more than 2 years))

  12. Every one start cry after skin prices go down when loba was warning them the whole time. Loba is true cs fan not plastic skin investor keep up the good work loba 👍

  13. no loba, your idea of devs giving skins to players as a reward to reporting bugs just doesn't work.
    valve would never put themselves in a controversial position after inflating prices of skins. would never happen in a million years.

    Also ,its a very secretive company that doesnt like to engage directly with customers.
    they are a bad company overall so that's also why this would never happen lol

  14. That idea of giving skins for reporting bugs is great, even Microsoft does that. Imagine how much better game would be now. We have so many moders and content creators for S&Box (Source 2) they even made Team Fortress 2 source 2 project. Just employ them Valve, give them tools, because they know Source 2 already + they are young and passionate about it.

  15. Am feeling really sad lately, and csgo used to help me a lot with times like this, but now cs2 makes my life even harder.

  16. Multi-billion dollar company who owns one of the most popular FPS games of all time can't even have an working active anti-cheat on day 1…

  17. Valve really dropped the ball with this and i feel like its going to take years to have a consistent game again, i also don't think that subtick will ever get better i don't have any knowledge in tech but i feel like its fundamentally bad and the inconsistency and dying behind walls or your past self getting shot just cannot be fixed within the sub-tick system.
    ina competetive shooter like this everything needs to happen on the same tick and every player should be on the same page, i rather have ghost shots(when you shoot your gun on your client but the server doesn't register because you are already dead) than this crap

    they should have made a seperate launcher for cs2 and leave cs go alone, keep it in beta until the game is ready, Dota 2 was kept in beta for almost 3 years when it was released to the public i don't know why they couldn't do it with cs2

  18. I don’t think CS2 is necessarily bad right now, but I also don’t think it’s good. In its current state it’s a definite downgrade from CSGO in every way. It’s also disappointing that several things that should have been ready on the release weren’t. Haven’t even mentioned that the main two things the community asked for, we didn’t get. Don’t know why they couldn’t just give us 128 tick. Instead they completely took the ability of changing tick rates out of the game and gave us a broken sub tick system on 64 tick where things like movement and shooting are no longer consistent, can’t hold angles, dying behind walls, etc. So many issues with the game that still need to be fixed and worked on that they still haven’t touched.
    It’s disappointing. The standards for games haven’t changed. People saying that “oh well csgo was bad on release.” It’s been 11 years since the release. Our standards should have changed especially for a game that is fully replacing CSGO, the gold standard game.

  19. I was watching for 3 and a half minutes. So far the only "bug" mentioned was that the new increased peekers advantage does not seem intended. Hard to fix the problem with the explanation: "when I shoot I don't hit but when I don't shoot I hit". Not sure what valve should do with this information Loba. Is this your bug report? After that the video is about Loba arguing with strawman he read here and there. Wow. Sometimes it feels like this is a cultural thing and certain people just don't understand what constructive criticism is. I hope valve fixes the bug you mentioned, so you hit people when you shoot.

  20. i think mechanics/netcode will never get fixed, only way is to go for 128tick and delete this subtick shit which is in theory a good system but its totaly fu*ed up in the praxis.
    They can even freakin go back to their 64tick mm shit, we just need 128 for faceit and officials. fuck their new not working system, destroyin the whole game.
    and then 50% of the game still missin, gamemodes, even options or consolecommands WTF. there is still no clantag option! LOL! where is communityserverlist INGAME?! not on freakin desktop. fu* valve, their updates not doin anything to these broken netcode peekersadvantage and everything. these problems are still the same since release! die behind walls, die from ferrari peeks ure not even seein on your screen. delete subtick its the only way. they wont delete their new feature so the game will die.
    anticheat ? publichacks are undetected on this anticheat, so nothing to say about this.

  21. I literally quit cs2 and started playing other games like fortnite again after years I don’t find the game fun I really miss csgo man

  22. Great video as always loba! Honestly coudn't agree more wirh all you said in the video. It's crazy to see how many delusional people are out there backing valve saying they are finally updating the game.

    Why even release an unpolished game in first place without proper anticheat, solving all subtick problems, and close to no content compared to csgo. All they had to do was to keep this game in beta and work on it while not deleting csgo.. I almost feel like nobody would play cs2 if csgo was still around.

    On a side note it'd be amazing if you can somehow create a csgo hub in faceit with asian server! The unkucko hub only has eu servers and a a lot of us asians can't play in it because of high ping. I'm sure a lot of people are still dying to play csgo and if you open servers in asia for faceit csgo hub it'll be a gg.

    Keep up the good work man! Peace ✌️

  23. I personally think it is the communitys fault in a way, because if you think about it, it's a little like cyberpunk all over again…

    Video Game communities are very good at being insanely hyped for their new game, and quickly after that become eternally desperate when it doesn't come out quickly.

    Take the Hollow Knight community and Silksongs release for example – that release has become a meme at this point, but I am happy that it's being dragged for as long as it is, because it means we will get the game in a state as good as possible, unlike cs2 develpers and cyberpunk developers who gave into the pressure, released a not so ready game, and very clearly paid the price.

    The way I see it game development takes time, and if we got a pretty bad release, and further more if it gives much more feedback and testing, it still wont change that fact (development = time), and we simply have to keep giving the feedback and accept the fact that we were the ones wanting the game released at any cost

  24. Please remember how broken CSGO was when it launched, people hated CSGO, CS2 will improve give it 5 years and it will be every bit as good. Stop complaining and start playing, be glad we live in a world with these products.

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