Counter-Strike 2

S1mple Couldn’t, Ropz Could

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He’s winning every map, every tournament, almost every MVP, has insane stats and is quite literally pioneering Counter-Strike into a new age.

And, no, we’re not talking about s1mple.

Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Edited by: Brendan Fahey (@Drillbit_)
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

Footage courtesy:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. Barring few teams, they are just farming the same garbage teams to get the wins. Let see when real challengers arrive how will they hold up.

  2. S1mples take is as you said, based. I 100% would have done the same thing, to be that disconnected from your community that you apparently want to help is fucking unrreeeaaal.

    It's actually fucking embarrassing. I'm ashamed at this point to say I'm a CS player where as I used to say it proudly.

  3. Ropz is in FaZe, no shit he's doing good. If he was in another team the stats would been different.

  4. You claim to be an esports channel but not even one single video over dota's TI 12 is just baffling.

    You guys used to be here for every gaming community, not anymore, now it's only cs2 and drama. Please rethink your approach.

  5. I honestly think when Valve asked Simple about the issues, they were curious about how he'd prioritize the issues and wanted to understand what the pro scene would need fixed asap. They surely could've comunicated that differently, but leaving them "on read" is more offensive than their question IMO.

  6. It’s not simples job or responsibility to prioritize what and how to fix shit in Valves game. There are hundreds of thousands of posts, threads, videos, etc… documenting the biggest issues. Valves isn’t some fucking tiny indie company. They are worth billions. They should be taking in all feedback. There should never be a single person who speaks for millions. That’s entirely too much responsibility to put on someone who didn’t even ask for it.

  7. At the end of the day, valve fucked up with the CS2 release. I won’t give them credit for moving in the right direction, the game should have been in a better state at launch. Devs have gotten far too comfortable releasing shit and taking credit for putting it right after the fact.

    Getting pissed at simple or anybody else for not directly working with valve to fix their own mess is ridiculous. Valve fucked up, it’s not any popular players job to put it right.

    Ropz is that kind of technically minded player that would always get into the details, regardless of the state of the game. Good for him putting in the work, but if you’re job is to play the game, you can’t be blamed for not taking on the collective responsibility for the whole community and tell valve how to fix their own game.

  8. Good video, but ghosting being noble? Nah man. Could valve do more? Ofc. But s1mple should of taken the very rare opportunity. Imo he wasn't being "noble" he was being childish, which is pretty normal.

  9. Ropz was grinding the beta while most other players were still in GO. I feel like appreciated the new game more then others.

  10. Honestly agree with ya about simple. Wasn’t his responsibility to go back and forth with valve. They know the issues. They’re blatant and everywhere. They need to fix stuff themselves and speak on knowing their shit is busted. Simple’s response was def based. You can’t see the issue let the game die then and we’ll all cry over it’s grave. If the community was in charge of development it wouldn’t be broke. Plain and simple. Warranted and justified response from someone in his position and honestly what ropz did is indicative of his current position as well. They both responded appropriately imo.

  11. Culture difference you Americans don’t understand where Simple comes from it’s not about him fixing the game and it’s the fact that the community has all the answers not just one person it’s him saying ask the community not a single player cuz all the changes made will fall on him and if it makes the game worse it could cause him to become the enemy of the community. Smart man for what he did

  12. Why you hating on simple. Valve don't care about the community, and the community include the pros, so why listen to the pros when everyone else is giving them the issues. Valve can subtick deeZnUtz. Also ropz always been a legend, he is definitely up there with the goats

  13. people have been explaining the issues since the beta has come out, literally 0 reason for simple to have to do their job for them

  14. Ropz doing what Ropz does best, rise above and be a great role model. Simple doing what Simple does best, act like a child.

  15. I feel like this channel is just milking the situation of ropz dominates cs2 and simple not playing (mainly simple) at this point. Just my opinion. Don't care if you don't share the same view. 🙃

  16. S0mple was never a good player never a good teammate never a good person not good at all. Just good at getting kills with the easiest gun.

  17. i enjoy simple i always have but ropz is who i try to play like always will. he is just a really good overall player and i love his playstyle.

  18. Nah why are you protecting S1mple so much, you repeated same sentences 3x times….

  19. More than half other video is about CS2's progress and how pros responded not Ropz's accomplishments in CS2.. what?

  20. Valve is listening to everyone too, but always and always for CS the opinions of the pros matter. Because CS2 is catered towards going pro and competitive gameplay, there's no "casual" 5v5 in a sense that Valve will never prefer it to competitive CS2, the 'average' person's opinion of CS2 will always be below the pros, because they understand the game way more than we ever will.
    Also, s1mple could've just said: "Hey, this is what's wrong in CS2 according to me, but you should also listen to everyone else." in which Valve would reply: "Yeah, no shit, you're not the only going to play the game." S1mple was just being an asshole for no good reason.

  21. Developers need reproducible bugs, not some once-in-a-blue-moon bugs that seem to surface randomly. Doesn't help that a lot of them don't provide at least footage of it.

  22. I only just figured out how to make my game smooth…so dumb. Most people won't know how to fix. Nvidias control panel setting Low Latency had to be disabled for me or lag my game over 400fps. Reflex On, Latency Off. And most ppl don't even know what nvidia control panel is

  23. Everytime I see a new theScore video, I'm afraid I'm going see that trans whatever guy is. Thank God he's not in this video 😪
    P.S. Hate all you want 😂 in my country nobody gives a shit about this who identifies as what and we all make fun of that. It's not bad at all u should try it too 🎉

  24. To be honest S1mple was based as fuck here. Everyone is tweeting out their problems with cs2. Everything from Michael Jackson peeks to fucking defuse peeks.

    Volvo reaching out to S1mple is just plain disrespect towards the community and towards S1mple.

    Allbhe had to do was send them back: "Twitter is full of the ca issues. Look there" it would've been better though….

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