Counter-Strike 2

Is CS2 sub-tick better than CS:GO?

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  1. For me hitreg wise, subtick has always felt better than 128 tick csgo, I have not had a single miss that wasn't easily explainable & I'm so much more confident because of it

  2. No not atm. If we could choose between 128tick normal servers vs 64subtick servers I would do everything to get the 128tick servers back lol

  3. I don't get it. Sub-tick is objectively better as shooting is correctly represented. People just get mad over anything.

  4. Since the release of CS2 I haven’t played the game. Recently, picked it up again and to be honest, it really did feel great (started playing after the last update). Everything was quite smooth and actually I would say that it felt better than CSGO. I have been playing CS for about 6 years and i can say this is a nice upgrade from CSGO. Still not gonna cut some slack for the poor release of the game. My good what I have seen from this game in the past couple of months…

  5. CS2 is like driving a car that randomly speeds up or slows you down. I haven't tried the new subtick patch but before that the subtick system definitely didn't work very well and from your video it sounds like it still isn't great, I've stopped playing CS2 as i felt it was inconsistent which messed up my brain., that I could shoot someone with a HS and only to see it materialize 150ms later is a big NO! My ping is around 20-50ms depending on what server I get. The consistency of CS:GO felt so much better.

  6. I think valve is doing great with all the updates and fixes. This is the most responsive they have been ever in counter strike. I think recency bias makes us quickly forget how broken cs:s and cs:go were at their release. Has it been a month since the release of cs2? The game will be polished with the work valve is putting in.

  7. Constant packet loss issue is great. Nothing like having 30 ping but non stop lag and teleportation, inability to jump, throw util and pull out my weapon.

  8. CS2 = die behind a wall = New Subshit system.
    CSGO = 64 shit server big problem.
    CSGO = 128 tick way better than Subshit 😐
    Found result = Delete a game and comeback after 2yr.

  9. Since it's possible to show down the server why won't Valve just speed up the server to smooth everything? Modern problems require modern solutions 😎😂

  10. you still die behind walls, or u die in stand and on your screen ure already in crouch. its still broken af. peekers advantage is still broken. you see enemie, on his screen he only sees your shoulder. they need to fix this sh*t asap. cant believe develops need so long to fix these hardcore problems. they shouldnt released this, its a open beta. man players quit CS for this or new players who checks it out instant quitting. and i dont believe everyone will come back or new players test it again. and many options missing aswell, serverlist for publicservers in MAIN MENU still missing, clantag option missing and so on…

  11. CS2 at this moment is just shit.
    Server lagging, getting DC, MM found but server sometimes never connects.
    There are a variety of issues.
    First of all they need to make the game serviceable in mid tier configurations which used to smoothly run CSGO

  12. My friends and I have been discussing this for quite some time. We've noticed that as soon as we shoot at someone, the shots often don't arrive immediately, you realise you're losing the fight when you spray and the other mysterious thing is that as soon as you're behind the wall, you suddenly die. Or what often happens to me personally, I shoot and my opponent shoots, but his shot is calculated first. I'm not even laging and the opponent doesn't seem to be either. Back then the problems weren't even there, no matter how much people say sub ticket is so great. It's stupid. Just 128 tick server and that's it and everyone is happy.

  13. The update made it much worse. The lag is more noticeable and simply having more than 50 ping makes the game unplayable

  14. You forgot to mention the consistency of gunshots when spraying. Maybe CS2 is more accurate on the first shot, especially for awpers who may require precise flicks and dont need to see their enemy bleed to know they hit, but if you're spraying you require consistent bullet tracers and bleeding animation to know where the recoil is and where to fix your crosshair next to keep firing. The situation is made worse with a moving target or when spray transferring. Imagine tracking and spraying a moving target or flicking to the next target mid-spray but you cant see where the first bullet goes so your follow up shots are messed up. Maybe you're lucky and some time later it looks like all your bullets have hit, but what if you already missed since the first shot of the spray?

  15. bro like saying which do you love the most your mother or your gf??

    Of course 64 or 128 tick is much better since majority of games are using it. Sub-tick is the worst feature made by valve tbh, don't even L me.

  16. why do i die when i move away from my peak lol even tho the shot was fired while i was not peaking

  17. I think a very important thing about CS2 tick rate and is it better is considering the fact that in CSGO you could hit shots you should have missed, and miss shots you should have hit (moving your cursor on or off target before the server updates). whilst in CS2 if you hit a shot you hit a shot, if you miss you miss. It just feels….weird, less weird now the animations are better aligned but still…weird

  18. I prefer the deterministic system of CS:GO over the highly variable CS2 system. In a competitive game like CS, consistency is a must tbh.

  19. For valve to overlook this is a huge mistake especially because it’s a competitive fps… when I’m in game I can shoot an enemy and know he’s dead and turn away yet the server won’t be updated yet, it’s super annoying and I understand why 40k players left in October..

  20. why cant just valve save the hassle n just upgrade their dam servers to 128tick when theyre filthy rich as fk?

  21. No and it never will be. Give us 128 tick and an upgraded anti cheat and scrap the sub tick nonsense. Playing with 60 ping on CSGO felt good, it wasn't ideal but it was good and enjoyable. 60 ping on CS2 is almost unplayable. And hearing from my friends who play with 30-40 ping. They say the same thing. If the game only feels good on LAN, then 99.9% of your player base is getting cucked.

  22. One major thing that sub-tick affects more than point and shoot is the spraying which is one of the core parts of cs. Although after the last update spraying had become a bit better but its still no where close to like it was in csgo. Specially the ak spray is still messed up.

  23. Can you please do testing on peekers advantage in CS2?

    I have yet to see a video about it.

    Seems to me like its almost a full second more or something, in cs2. :C

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