Cyberpunk 2077

Did you want new romance options in the expansion?

Did you want new romance options in the expansion?


  1. DirectorDennis

    Not really, no. The established romances are enough to me, I wouldn’t of minded if they added more to the original romances but it’s fine they didn’t really.

  2. I would’ve loved to have the current romances more fleshed out, I think.

  3. uncletedradiance

    No, I don’t think PL is the setting for romance

  4. MadameDecay

    Nah. I wanted more with the current romance options. There is some extra dialogue, but that’s not enough IMO. The male options were done dirty to begin with so would have been nice if they had remedied that a bit.

  5. Major_Cheesy

    yes the game needs more romance options … even if it means ultimately putting a rating recommendation on game after …

  6. Hets_Vippe

    I totally expected Alex to be an option after we hung out at the bar

  7. Romance, no. But a hookup with one of the hacker twins would have been nice. Also would have added some weight later on.

  8. Futurismes

    You missed the most important one, Aurore. My sweet queen.

  9. Subject_Proof_6282

    I would have abandoned everyone and everything for a sweet retirement with Alex in Monaco

  10. jonbotwesley

    Give me a Meredith Stout type hookup with Meyers. It’d be cool to get to just bang the president real quick.

  11. Maybe Alex, but I don’t think PL is a good romance setting. Would’ve been nice to expand on the main game romances though.

  12. Ohh i’d def try to bang So mi but… her “outputs” are probably a bunch of screws and wires, i mean look at her back.
    We’d bang via Wifi i guess

  13. TrubledBootySnatcher

    They were all an absolute tease. Even the president when you ask her to buy you a drink and she says something about a date.

  14. Sealed_1988

    Would’ve liked Alex to be one, and be able to interact with her changing faces.

  15. Illustrious-Cut7150

    Who wouldn’t want a chance with Idris Elba?

  16. Vegetable-Rub3418

    I thought I was gonna be able to romance maybe Alex. But unfortunately…..

  17. Sir-Shady

    I reeeeaaaslllly thought when >! Alex invited you to the bar before the op !< that we were gonna be able to romance her

  18. bluebadge

    Sorta. I guess. I think the PL story is pretty complete without trying to shove a romance sub plot into it. That said, Alex is yummy and Lina is the kind of crazy you catch and release.

  19. accaruso17

    I honestly thought they were going to give me the romance option with Alex during the dancing scene. And I was like this is so out of nowhere.

  20. NecessaryTotal3417


    I think that the lack of new romance options is one of the three biggest misses in the expansion.

    Songbirds arc would have made far more pertinent with a romance arc – two peas in the same pod, and you cannot tell me Johnny wouldn’t gravitate towards her with how similar she was to Alt.

    The decision with Alex could have hit way, way harder if you were in a sitch with her, even if it was a doomed short lived thing similar to the Stout one in base game. I doubt a spy would go full panam, but a one night fling with a “we can’t continue too dangerous, coworkers mixing against policy, etc would be fine.

    Same with the Cassels – and the fact that they get their fate decided via box-text was lazy BS. There should have been a romance, and if so a way to save them. Of course, they would then turn around and screw you over later since no good deed goes unpunished, but they could easily be set up for a batman/catwoman type of thing.

    And a romance with Reed would just add in more complexities to the endings and his tragic arc.

    Miss 2: no playing as Johnny. I would have loved the pills to be popped and Johnny goes on a quest with Song to see there interactions.

    Miss 3: no new ending if you sided with Song. That ending should have been keyed off if you let Johnny keep the body and you and him were friends, and it ends with Johnny on a quest to get his Choom back – working with judy to get a BD of Hellman to build a new relic, panam to use aldecalfo biotechnica contacts to clone a new V body, and Song to reach past the Blackwall to find V. Johnny does love his lost causes.


    I kinda liked there wasnt an option in the dlc. I think the interations like meeting Songbird at the club or dancing with Alex were peaceful moments that dont need to be bogged down with a relationship quest.

  22. Alex was the only one who was my type, and I ended up getting her gutted. I got revenge though.

  23. MateoDojima

    Well, I don’t know what I wanted, but I do know I want something—anything!—with Aurore.

  24. silbuscusXmangalover

    Nah, I wanted more from base game romances, ESPECIALLY the male ones.

  25. GamingNemesisv3

    Its not that i cared there wasnt but there seemed to be potential in so many interactions and then it was just scrapped.

  26. onecrystalcave

    *Nick Cage voice*: I’m going to fuck the president of the United States of America.

  27. Ninja_Lazer

    I was indifferent.

    That said, it’s really obvious that the females had all the attention and resources.

    Kerry is passable, but not even in the same realm as Panam or Judy. River shouldn’t have bothered. Like his quest line is fine, but it should have stayed platonic 100% with no romance option. Would have been better IMO if it was the outside parties pushing for it with both V and River just laughing it off as they don’t see each-other in that light.

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