Game: Counterstrike 2 or maybe CS:GO haha
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OCT 13 VOD: (deleted after 2 months)
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#ClintStevens #Stream #CS2
some of his shit on cs office look walled dude he's insane
The one deags were fucking insane
Really good noob aim.
never in my fucking life did i expect clonk stebens to play cs2
clint being botted rn? the views/likes ratio was always pretty insane but 25k views to 28k likes???
office is clint sided
FaZe Stevens giving off that "pwn" energy
That's Clint "picks up the bomb and fucking runs away with it" Stevens. That's Quality.
How does he have such good crosshair placement, it makes 0 sense.
this guys skill is insane…
why is he actually cracked tho
Clint "Better than my 12K elo teamates" Stevens
Can we just appreciate that Clint knew well enough that there were no new maps/guns/skins and he still asked them about it lol. Classic Clonk
"i want this game to look like 1.6"
he gets it
This has to have been like daaaaays of footage, aint no way.
this guys skill is insane……..
the savior of North American counter strike
That's Clint "Counter Strike" Stevens. That's quality.
It still sounds so weird to me when these people who know you by you irl call you Dirk instead of Clint
Clint I’m so glad you’re playing cs, cause that’s clintstevens that’s quality