Counter-Strike 2

S1mple Is Done With Valve

S1mple has had a lot of problems with CS2 and he has not been shy about voicing his opinions. So much so that, after he called the game s**t, Valve personally reached out to him to talk over the issues.

But S1mple straight up ignored them – and people aren’t too happy about it.

Written & Hosted by: Devil Coull (@Fake_DevinCoull)
Edited by: Jason Durante
Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)

All footage courtesy of:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. to the benefit of the community he should have communicated and it could have helped move the game forward in a much better way.

  2. Well hard to say….everybody know that cs2 is not ready, so yeah its a bit stupid to take away CS GO before time.

  3. So the game isn't completely ready yet: Valve shouldn't have released the game this way, they could have waited a few more months until everything was ready. Regardless of whether S1mple is being toxic or not is his opinion, Coldzera is always talking about the same thing, like many others. Valve could leave csgo a little longer and have the option to play cs2. But he didn't do it because he needed us to test the game. Valve has always done what it wanted or when it wanted and never asked anyone for their opinion. Not to mention the 128 tick rate and the anti-cheat which is very bad. Valve is a multi-million dollar company, it earns millions in transactions, this shouldn't be like this. And this is my opinion of an FPS game that in a few months will be the best game ever, if Valve wants it that way.

  4. nvr been a big fan of Sasha's attitude, however I think them DM'n him to ask whats wrong with their game shows a disconnect from Valve. Could he have answered, yes, could Valve do way more with their games also yes.

  5. Wow the kids really think simple was supposed to say something. Hes a really great player but his job is to play and hes already voiced his issues since before this game was at this point. The irony i see from the community though is, why would it be good for the mass of players for a professional to suggest changes? The game he plays and the game the mass populous of players play is extremely different and the sad part is yall never blame the company for this stuff. Rhe company had the capability to change the game not simple. Asking him what needs to be done means yall are beta testers and they need feedback so the game is good, its all a ploy to make the community hate each other and compete outside of the game to take the attention off of the bad business practices by valve. Its kinda sad cuz this is the new media, the put the youtube insider community vs the average games and now the higher ups get to see what generates traction and interactions for their game. Remember they only care about money, not keeping a community of players together.

  6. Anyone blaming Simple for this was someone just looking for an excuse to hate. As if him replying to valve would have made them do anything differently. The issue here is taking a perfectly good game, downgrading literally everything to do with quality and performance then telling the community that its for their own good.

  7. I only have a few issues:
    – remove loadouts (make it so You can buy every gun)
    – add a few new guns
    – commit to making two operations a year (they already mostly have community made content, how hard could it be to make an operation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?)… look at other games… I dont expect You to make 6 seasons a year like CoD… but come on… this is pathetic (but I dont expect anything from Valve since what the did to DotA a few months ago… HOW CAN A COMPANY WITH THIS INCOME… CANNOT MAKE A BATTLE PASS WITH ITEMS THAT COMMUNITY ALREADY DID, they didnt even release a case in like… 9 months? new case should be released every 3 months at max.)

  8. He probably just said it as a lie/joke. I dont believe for a sec, they have DM him. They would have either send him a mail, or invited him to talk about the game. This doesn´t make any sense. If you believe this, you are delusional… I dont believe it until I see the accually message send to him

  9. Current issues are not even something that you can fix with "Opinions" from pros or even the community. The basic functions of the game is just broken and I don't think Valve needs a pro to see what those issues are.

  10. Its Valve that is being an dick. Like there aren't enough people complaining on All channels. They just dont care. Its just an gambling money laundering game and a copy paste of an already 13y old game. Simpel

  11. I've never liked s1mple, but I think he does not owe this company anything. If they truly value his opinion why are they DMing him on Twitter and not contacting him officially in person with an official meeting or something? They've been creating CS2 on "secret" doing what corporations do… if they need a Quality Assurance engineer, they should offer him a contract and pay the big bucks. This is practically a job. Why should he do anything for free?
    He does not owe Valve anything. He's dedicated his life to becoming better at something he likes. Then he got picked up by organizations that paid him money to make money out of him.
    If the same logic is true, then Lewis Hamilton should owe the rich old geezers with yachts in Monaco bay… the same amount of respect. Sorry, but those guys have paid their dues and do not owe anyone anything.

  12. normal s1mple behavior… wines about the game being bad proceeds to not explain to the devs. Honestly such a lame human being, hope he drops off in cs2

  13. its his right, ya cant ask or expect something from a person who has his own life to worry about. He is not our messiah, he is a human being, so leave him be and stop flinging shit.

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