Counter-Strike 2

New CS2 update aims to “fix” de-sub-tick

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byu/ryanlee0763 inGlobalOffensive

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  1. Bruh like cs has been a beast for like 11 years (talking about csgo) why are they now tryna kill the legacy with THIS

  2. The people coding this game are a complete joke, stay clear of the game if you have not played it before, dont waist your time on this mess of a game.

  3. I don't believe in Valve's idea, that 64 tickrate is fine, no matter how the sub-tick system works.
    For me it feels like i have an delayed response from the headshots.

    I believe there are just some stubborn individuals at Valve. 🙂

  4. Valve tricked me! I usually avoid public betas because I test enough software at work, I don't want to do it for free…

  5. The KSK agent has the voicelines that the Cts on Overpass have. Overpass is in Berlin so the CTs speak a very german english and sometimes even german words, so does he.

  6. i don't like how valve is treating subtick like it's their baby and trying so hard to make it work. so much inconsistencies and work arounds come with it but still they go out of their way to force it in the game.

  7. it got so fucking worse, it is unplayable now, i am shooting in wall and killing a guy, while having ping 20

  8. Anyway the shooting mechanic is broken, idk how but playing on ct and kill T is much harder, feels like T model hitbox is smaller

  9. that new netgraph shows for many people they have packet loss even though on csgo they had 0%. a new problem revealed?

  10. no more clenching every muscle as your teamm8 is defusing and you dont know whether youll defuse or be 0.01 seconds away from being blown up. GG valve neutered the most iconic epic suspense inducing part of counter strike, even shown in the csgo trailer. dumb noob friendly feature that further santizes counter strike and makes it more indistinguishable from other shooters like valorant.

  11. The amount of lengths people will go to just to make a game feel better for them lol, im just here for the ride trying to have as much fun as possible. The game overall is getting more and more playable every week and I dont care to set up special configs to enjoy the game. People stress themselves out too much when at the end of the day it is just a game but we do take it seriously.

  12. Idk about this game really. I get peaked on my 258hz zowie dyac without ANY chance to respond. Might be cheaters, might be subtick, might be the infrastructure of my country being to good. It just feels like one giant mess. Sprays not connecting, enemies hitting everything jumping running meanwhile i started tapping still dont hit shit. 10 bullets 1 connects enemy crossmap sprays me tf down. Idk whats happening but im fucking done w it

  13. Valve litreally fell for the 'get-rich-quick' scheme, that being the subtick system. You can't have a world where you can inherit the benefits of a high tick rate system without a high tick rate system."

  14. CSGO: 88% positive reviews
    CS2: 63% positive reviews

    Probably the biggest fail in the history of esports titles, it would be like if Riot decides to launch LoL 2 tomorrow, literally no one asking for this

  15. does double blnding movment still de-subtick the movement?
    e.g. bind "w" "+forward; clear"

  16. Damn, putting imprecise actions on a competitive shooter that requires precise movement? Way to go Valve.

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