Counter-Strike 2


This does not sound fair 🤔

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  1. I mean, the looking to play lobby could be abused hardcore if they didnt do it like that. You could boost people as a cheater, by them forming a party, going looking to play and then inv you from there.

  2. no its not shit, because 4 man premades can just kick someone without reason and having people regardless who lose elo for playing with a cheater is a good thing.

  3. So listen to me carefully, you play with a different cheater every game and it is an easy the top 5 in the rankings… I think it is a good feature. They should just allow 4 stack but they cannot surrender or kick anyone.

  4. Maybe just do it to people who are friends with the cheater and not just everyone in the lobby would be a good start.

  5. Im on valve side here. Guilty before proven innocent. You are guilty until you sent ticket, talk, and get unbanned. This is more effective in ratting out cheaters and their parties.

  6. No this is good. One: they played with a cheater, even do they didnt know, they still won games that they shouldnt have won. Two: playing as 4 in premier is extremely boring for the 5th guy as almost always the 4 players are using discord etc. And straight up dont talk.

  7. It's written right there. You need to win 1 match and you will get your CS rating back but with the reduced amount of points that you won with cheater in you lobby. That's not as bad. However, the main insue is the fact that there is too many cheaters and this can happen to you very often which is upsetting. So to solve the problem there's should be a good anticheat and… there isn't one. That is the main issue.

  8. also works the other way around, your solo just looking to play, join with 4 people play the game notice some sus shit a day or two later one of thems cheating and you lose elo and all the shit, just counter strike

  9. this cheat penalty is the best thing you can do the fact that anomaly says "its shit" just shows how stupit he is

  10. I honestly wouldn't even be worried being partied with a cheater. The anti cheat is complete dog shit and can't detect 98% of cheaters so the likelihood of this happening is basically 0.

  11. I can't even watch CS2 pro games. I used to watch CSGO pro games all the time, but these just look like shit for some reason. They pulled the plug on CSGO far too early.

  12. if you are good player then that rank means nothing. few more games and you get it back. I didn't see problem here.

  13. think they dont want a supermajority for the q, so i kinda understand why not queue 4, still dumb that they allow 3 if that is their logic though. Also, why tf couldn't you tell someone was cheating for 10 wins? 100% deserves to get their rank reset, unfair otherwise

  14. Allow queues as 4, but this punishment should stay, how else would you punish boosters

  15. People also lose 1k elo for abandoning a match. Skill (elo) has nothing to do with toxicity and people have emergencies sometimes, its dog

  16. Hardware ban is only thing that can solve this situation with cheaters. I have feeling like there is more cheater now than it was in csgo.

  17. the 4 premade ban is probably so that a 4 premade team doesnt kick the 5th player in the last round. Alot of degenerate 4 premade teams do that. The only solution would be to remove the kick funktion.

  18. This punishment is good but is implemented the wrong way. The more accurate implementation of it would be to first check if you are friends with the cheater or not, if yes then you get penalized completely; if not then you just lose the elo that you had gotten earlier by winning with the cheater.

  19. It's Incredible that Valve manages to ban and fuck over all these legitimate players whilst the actual cheaters you get in pretty much every other lobby get away scot free…

  20. everything i learn about this game makes me think it needed another year before getting released. how did they not think to make the game perfect before releasing. obviously we all would have been fine dealing with csgo for another year, we only played it for a decade anyways. skins are fucked, people getting banned for graphics cards, hit boxes broken af, clipping through floors, like what the actual FUCK was valve thinking. no reason to rush it, no reason to force it out. they had an opportunity to really bring it to triple a devs, but they did the exact same shit as them. what a joke. guess gaben new yacht was pricier than he thought and said fuck it.

  21. “Guys our random is cheating”
    “Oh shit don’t report or we all get Vacced :(“

  22. Premier leaderboards full of 100% win percentage like yeah that’s legit

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