Counter-Strike 2

CS2’s last two updates for the week

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  1. Ofc subtick has its problems but I dont think it did more harm than good. At least for me single shots hit wayyyyy more often than in CSGO and the "how did that not hit" moments are rarer.
    Complains are louder than praise, because a video of someone shooting and actually hitting a target wouldnt get any upvotes 😄

  2. I still can't hit even 200 fps consistently with a RTX 4090 at the lowest possible video settings & resolution. I know my 3700X is my bottleneck but I still find it hard to believe that I can't hit 200 fps consistently at the LOWEST settings with this setup.

  3. 4:20 I think they have a smaller team focusing on minor stuff and a big team currently collecting and analysing data.
    I believe they switched over to cs2 too early because they needed more data for subtick and VAC.
    So I am hopeful hat they fix every major issues soon ish.

  4. 3:50 I can see you got a weapon case 😮, meanwhile I can’t even get cases from weekly drops anymore since I live in the Netherlands… rip my free 1 euro a week…

  5. hey everyone i have a question
    what bind do i use if i wanted for example but an ak on the keyboard like for example b4 4

  6. I still have 700 to 900 FPS on Mirage/D2 1920x1080p low/cmaa no FSR
    Source 2 its amazing 😍
    16 gb ddr4 4000c14 (helps push those high FPS)
    What I hate about the game rn are the random bugs and over 50 ping you get desync

  7. Btw I’ve literally lost thousands of sr because of one cheater being kicked. I’ve yet to see anyone outside of steam discussions even notice this issue.

  8. WHY CANT THEY JUST MAKE IT 128TICK INSTEAD OF 64TICK SHIT? theyve upgraded system requirements for cs2 but still put it to 64tick and valoshit uses 128tick and their game can be run on shit pcs????

  9. for AMD users using the new driver – although not mentioned in the patch notes, they've added support for Anti-Lag+ (7000 series only)

  10. peekers advantage is a fun way of saying: we have 10.000 servers in frankfurt, good luck kiddo

  11. Idk if its just, me but I feel terrible in CS2. I am getting absolutely demolished by everyone from random shots, even tho I am playing on really low ranks. Sometimes I also can give some random shots by running, then next round can't hit obvious head. This game makes me depressed.

  12. When alt-tabbing, about half the time I move backwards without pressing a key. Pressing W causes me to stop in place. +forward and -back in the console do nothing. I have to totally restart the game. It would be nice if they fixed that.

  13. 2:55 idk if this is just a bit, but the guard rail used to be like that in go, at some point in cs2 they moved it further to the right. This is important because you can now peak catwalk without jumping up on the railing (like you used to be able to do).

  14. I might be high, but i feel like the gane is a bit better, runs better for me, i no longer feel like my hits arent registering and ak spray is kinda manageable now…as j said, maybe im just gaslighting myself but i still feel like its better…

  15. i found a bug where on inferno bottom mid on the T ramp/stairs when i dropped the bomb it fell underground

  16. It will forever be a sick joke that after doing absolutely nothing about cheaters for 10 years, they finally release CS on Source 2 and not only do they STILL not have a fix for cheaters, but they ruined the tickrate. I mean seriously, how long until we get subtick to feel as good as even 64 tick servers? CS2 is like CSGO but with slightly improved graphics and everything else is worse. I hope I feel much differently after a few weeks/months of updates but holy hell. 128 tick servers and a proper anti-cheat and voila….a good game. But no. Fk you Valve. Those are my thoughts. Thanks Maxim.

  17. Valve identifying germans as chinese, should give people something to think about, good it was discovered and fixed.

  18. I think the fact that they launched despite all these issues not fixed maybe tells that it will take A LOT of time (months) to fix them and have a perfect gunplay experience. It was probably either they release it now, or they release it wayy too late, so they chose to release it now and work with what they have, with the full community invested in it

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