Counter-Strike 2

Why I’m Quitting Counter Strike 2

summit1g continues his grind in Counter Strike 2 but after this match, he has had enough!
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  1. The stream Summit did the other day was so toxic lol, he was banning people every second it seemed hahaha

  2. counter strike has to be the worst fps of all time. so insanely campy and boring

  3. yeah he isn’t what he used to b in the aim department. should prolly stick to the grandpa race streaming on gtarp like usual

  4. Honestly, the one thing I've always disliked about CS was being able to shoot through solid objects. Even though shooting through wood/boxes is possible, you shouldn't be able to 1 tap someone like that.

  5. I'm taking a break from cs until the game is actually finished. The hit reg is a joke, the sounds are terrible, running accuracy is insane and the game still crashes. I really miss cs:go

  6. This game feels so bad, the amount of joy brain dead running headshots, it literally feels like my characters head is 10 times bigger than the enemy.

  7. valorant is better lol. unless you been playing this game for 20 years you will never get the hitreg system.

  8. i actually feel like they changed hit registration since the game came out when it launched i felt like i was hitting every bullet now I shoot someone 7 times i only hit 2 or 3 bullets when i can see all my shots hitting them in the chest

  9. i hate how much people are hating on cs2. It just came out, GO had 12 years of bug fixes and development and was in a much worse state on its launch then cs2. give it time, its already in a way better state then how 90% of games are launching nowadays.

  10. no game is as bad as counter strike for having multiple players with the same, or EXTREMELY similar tags. who is this boltz fella

  11. t side economy is broken, cant spray, hitboxes are fucked, there are 3rd party servers that lag like im playing across the ocean, for them to kill csgo to full launch this, its a joke. Games trash. Id love to know what they have been doing at valve for the last 5 years

  12. Seems there is a lotta people noticing the kinda shit hit reg, desync, false hits. worse than csgo so idek why they released this garbage.

  13. CS2 Premier and anything MM sucks. Sum Sum I highly recommend trying faceit out again makes cs2 feel heaven sent compared to premier.

  14. Honestly, its way to buggy to be taken seriously right now. Feels super arcade like and has a lot of issues system wise. Shots not lining up or firing the way they are supposed to. It's a bit of a mess right now, but deep down I still love it.

  15. i paid for cs:go, i did not pay for cs2 .. why is cs2 in my library? what if i wanted to play cs:go again? too bad, you cant… you kidding me? this is one of the dumbest things gaben has ever done

  16. Waaaah waaaaaah 😢

    Let them fix the shit. Look how fuckin good it looks it’s a next gen CS let’s show some gratitude to the devs for giving us a gem. Let them polish it. Game studios are no longer able to release complete games. When has a studio released a perfect game without needing to patch it a few times. Fuckin babies. Comparing it to games that have been out for 3 YEARS. please uninstall the game the lobbies don’t need your childish energy.

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