Counter-Strike 2

When CS2 Hit Registration Fails..

Ever wondered why your shots sometimes seem to vanish into thin air in Counter-Strike 2? Join us on a rollercoaster ride trough the world of CS2 hit registration (hitreg) fails! Whether you’re CS2 veteran or just curious about the quirks of the game, this video will keep you entertained and maybe even make you question the laws of physics in the CS2 universe.

Bonus in comments (Free case)

TAGS: cs2 bhop,cs2 beta,cs2 grind,cs2 smoke,cs2 knives,cs2 update,is cs2 bad,is cs2 out,cs2 mirage,is cs2 free,cs2 hit reg,is cs2 real,cs2 strange,cs2 gameplay,cs2 oddshots,cs2 sub tick,cs2 reaction,cs 2 gameplay,cs2 input lag,cs2 needs fix,cs2 hitreg fail,cs2 daily recap,cs2 hitbox fail,cs go,is cs2 replacing csgo,cs2 shooting feels off,cs go new,fail cs go,

when cs2 hitreg fails
cs2 hitreg fails
cs2 input lag problem
cs2 registration seems off
cs2 hitreg broken
cs2 problem needs fix
cs2 fail registration
cs2 lag
cs2 ping problem
cs2 delay
cs2 input lag
cs2 hitbox fails
cs2 needs fix
cs2 subtick
cs2 subtick fail
CS2 hitreg
counter strike 2 fail hit registration
cs2 die behind wall
cs2 miss
cs2 no reg


  1. alot of these i didn't encounter , somtimes i did encounter the death behind wall and the killfeed doesn't say wallbang it's weird as fuck
    i always blamed this on the interp wich csgo also had alot of time
    that knife stab from getright , legit i had that happen to me . the enemy players claimed that he turned around before i stabbed him wich is not the case
    most of this was in the beta tho , had 2 knife kills in cs2 premier without any problems
    the interp thing still sometimes occur i don't know if it's a pc-specs / server or cs2 thing but it's still there not often tho

  2. Great clips, good to know its not just me this is happening to haha

  3. honestly, i got headshot even though i dint supposed to hit that headshot,

    and i dint hit headshot eventhough my crosshair is in the middle of the enemy head.

    cs 2 is kinda weird

  4. They had 11 years to fix and improve anticheat and tickrate and they didn't do shit

  5. I’m not playing anymore until it is fixed. Luckily it’s not just me – this video really confirms my feeling (having played Cs for >15 years)

  6. they make a sequel to update smokes and hitreg and remove half the content in the game and they still can't even get the smokes or hitreg right 🤣

  7. Thats the end for me, not gonna play it until they fix that shit, and they propably never gonna fix it, so im done

  8. I feel like the whole world is trying to gaslight me into believing this game is broken, I'm literally having the best hit-reg of my life in ANY shooter and it feels as close to perfect as I've ever felt. my internet isn't exceptional, neither is my PC. I get that the animations play a few milliseconds after the hit registers, but I have played other shooters that polled mouse movement separately at a much higher rate than the tick rate and this is just how they feel. Maybe instead of spraying y'all should ""fire in short, controlled bursts"" or something idk.

  9. It is so horrendously bad I've never been so Insulted by a game in my life the amount of times I've hit guys head hit boxes 3 or 4 times and the game is counting them as body shots drives me absolutely insane

  10. Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
    Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
    Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
    Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.

  11. Starting of by showing a spectate clip XD Also many of these are fixed bugs (ak not 1shotting in head), stewie spray could easily be his own fault, fl0m could have a random bullet go to him due to misshandled spray, KennyS didnt actually hit OBVIOUSLY.

    I know theres alot of mistakes in this game and the ping issue is really a massive issue, but this video doesnt help much on anything, except keep players away cuz they think this is normal everyday incidents.

  12. I think hitter is fine the issue is that playermodels and gun animations are different for anyone so you are shooting somewhere where you see the enemy but the server thinks it’s somewhere else. (Subtilität/64 tick Problem!) valve please fix!!!

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