Counter-Strike 2

CS2 is Worse than CS:GO, But…

Ok, we’re all excited that CS2 is finally out.

But now that we’re finally out of beta there are no more excuses. The game still just seems like it’s not up to par.

Sure, it’s not nearly as buggy – and Valve has made huge improvements to the overall gameplay- but it still just feels …wrong.

CS2 is upon us . . . but what if it wasn’t ready to be?

Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Edited by: Connor Dunn (@ConnorDunn_)
Produced by: Danielle Rosen (@_DanielleRosen) & Miles Hackett (@miles_hackett)
Thumbnail by: Emmanuel Adarkwah

Footage Credits:

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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  1. I like cs2, it cured my addiction.
    Today I played rust for 16 hours straight instead of csgo.

  2. tbh the best shooter ever made right now is definitly without a doubt Valorant. The only thing which is better in CS than Valorant is the community…

  3. I wish they allowed to still play Csgo 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 How dare they take away the game that people payed for….

  4. Its legit the same fucking game with new graphics and new smokes, played 2 rounds and didnt see a single change to anything. Still garb

  5. The griefing report system and anti cheat is no where near up to par. People abuse the shit out of griefing report's ans i still have yet to see the anti cheat stop one match even when someones blatsntly cheating. From what ive seen, the AC can only detect aim hacking. It cannot detect wall hacks or ESP cheats at all.

  6. Valorant player here, tried CS2 for the first time the other day and while everything does look nice, the game does feel ROUGH in comparison. Everything is so floaty and inaccurate, which sucks because i really wanna like it and be able to play both games.

  7. You review a game based on its current state, not what it could in the future. The fact is the game feels, laggy and rubber bandy and shooting and movement which are the core of the game does not feel good. Say what you want about valorant but at least they nail those two things out of gate. Also nothing about cheaters still.

  8. In all honesty, I have had no issues with CS2. No dying behind walls, no crazy movement inaccuracy bs, no recoil pattern whiffing, nothing that would make CS2 feel awful. I genuinely feel like CS2 is a direct upgrade, both visually and gameplay wise.

  9. Honestly I don’t think it feels all that different. The movement feels slightly less fluid, and the tick rate makes a difference. Oh and I guess spraying feels a little off… but I’m tapping heads like never before

  10. I loved CS:GO, though I didn't play that much of it (only around 50 hours) because I never had friends to play the game with until recently, and I've played a few sessions of CS2 now. Initially, I was SUPER put off (I didn't have beta access because of lack of play time and no MM rank) and I felt like I was dying so often to people I couldn't see and I wasn't getting to play and the sensitivity feels higher than CS:GO (idk if that's actually true but it just feels faster). So I had a really bad time, but I had a better time my second session because I knew how the game played, and I've been doing well. It's still frustrating to get shot when I'm fully behind a wall and I never saw someone (I know wallbangs exist but if I'm not even peeking the angle yet on my screen and getting shot, it's like bruh), and on certain maps, even with high contrast enemies, it's SUPER difficult to see enemies, and other things, I've been enjoying my time.

  11. Bruv I used to play 1.6 then never played csgo then i played valorent for a year got to ascendent 3 I shifted to cs2 how tf I have 80% hsp in casual servers how big is hitbox in cs2?

  12. So, the game is worse compared to 128 tick servers, but what about relative to valves vanilla 64 tick servers?

  13. Says cs2 is smooth and bright looking game. 30% of csgo playerbase is lowend pc. As of now my experience is no better than a minecraft with m4s and aks.

  14. One major thing which I feel valve should do is making the anti cheat a lot strong like riot. Still now in cs2 many hacker shows up using walls and aim lock but they aren't getting detected by valve's anticheat and not getting ban. these loosers r ruining the game for the ones who r playing legit. Pls let us stand together and let valve know so that they do something abt this.

  15. CS2 beta was miles ahead of the CSGO beta. CS2 can get back to where GO was in about 2-3 years.

  16. When covering CS:GO and now CS2 it is like you have rose tinted glasses on, anything Riot and you spew venom. I dunno if it is a lack of integrity or money but it is so hard to take anything you say on the game as objective

  17. I feel like people forgot that CSGO was straight dogshit at first too, and eventually became one of the most popular games of all time.

  18. Yesterday had an Alma from F.E.A.R jumpscare, a CT stood on Mirage Cat, I flicked to spray and they disappeared, only for that CT to come around the corner and kill me.

  19. Good video but it missed, to me, the greatest problem with CS GO that drove everybody crazy: the cheaters. I honestly don't think there was a greater problem than that. You could get really good at the game to spot potential one way smokes and deal with them, change video card settings for a more vivid and vibrant looking game etc. There was always a walk-around but nothing could be done about cheaters and VAC certainly was really bad at that creating overwatch that was the laziest thing I ever heard. You had to play Faceit in the end. Valve did so much work for skins,gameplay,new utilities etc but cheating was never addressed to. There's VAC live ban but the anti cheat is nowhere as good as Riot's and Faceit's. CS2 is boiling with shameless cheaters. I hope they fix the most important problem so there can be fair play.

  20. people forgot how broken csgo was tho it was playable with 200 ping but this cs2 is still something like pre alpha.

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