FPS Games

What is Fallout’s Most OP Technology?

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  1. In regards to the FEV cure, wasn’t there those cut BoS super mutants in the code with the grey skin and patchy hair?

  2. It's not really big and imposing, but I think that radaway is really advanced. We can't heal radiation damage now without complex medical procedures, and then radaway can almost instantly cure it.

  3. I actually don’t like the mind control Zetan tech because it causes the plot hole of why they didn’t use it to stop the lone wanderer during mothership Zeta.

  4. VATS is the most powerful. Mf you wanna fight me and you have a gun but all I have is a knife? I'll freeze time, get closer and stick you right in the eye.

  5. Big deal the Institute can teleport around the main character in every 3-D fall out game has been able to do that for a while now

  6. I mean, the Serria Madre vending machines are literally matter replicators. They break things down to their atomic structure and rebuild them into whatever configurations you can ask for. That's a technology that can literally cure scarcity and provide everything to everyone.

    The basic idea behind matter replication like that is so advanced that if you can provide it with enough power to run and enough base material to use, you can build ANYTHING. We don't see Zetans with matter replicators, which means Serra Madre is more advanced than them, because of how brokenly powerful matter replication is.

  7. the most overpowered tech in all Fallout Series is
    is …

    the never Ending fuel Generators on your settlements ……
    and the funny part ….there is no fuel in The Fallout Universe 🙍

  8. The most op tech in Fallout is staring you right in the face. The culprit responsible for nuclear devastation itself, the nuclear warheads.

  9. Plasma caster is the most OP of them all dealing over 1000 non crit dmg per shot , Gauss Gatling are the 2 most powerful weapons in the entire game
    Followed by the fixer and gat plasma

  10. The GECK. How is some stuff in a briefcase able to do what it’s said it can do? It’s responsible for creating the Cranberry bog biome in Appalachia and lifting an entire twin up into the air.

  11. No one seems to mention the animal Cloning Device underneath safari adventure in Nuka world. Basically an infinite food supply or an infinite animal army if left in the wrong hands.

  12. How about the powerarmor technology

    Or the pipboy from our player character

  13. For me, the most powerful things in existence are some of the vault dwellers… these guys are one man army individuals… in F3 you take over and destroy an invading alien mothership, in F4 the sole survivor exterminates somenof the most powerful factions while destroying anything on his/her path, in F76 all dwellers are power houses capable of exterminating all monstrosities and stop alien invasions, in FNV (we don't know if the courier came out of a vault) the courier wipes out one or the two most powerful factions in the mojave and conquer the divide and sierra madre, etc, etc… these survivors, these wanderers are such powerhouses that they can just simply destroy it all … theu are the most powerful products of technology

  14. You know what? I think the robots are the most OP technology. Protectrons and Assaultrons can walk, get knocked around, and even have a limb crippled and still manage to walk. Thats an insanely powerful, insanely subtle OP tech. In the real world, we have to make robots specifically designed to not fall over!

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