
Pokémon scarlet almost a year later.

Pokémon is the highest grossing franchise in existence and the distant buildings look like Nintendo 64 graphics. It is an astronomical insult that Nintendo and Gamefreak haven’t updated this game to be more stable.

I just started playing and have already had framerate issues and a crash. I know I’m late to this, but I hoped they would have fixed things this much time after release.


  1. Lychee247

    I started playing it

    I hate the fact that u need to buy the sub for nintendo eshop to trade pokemons

    It really sucks 🙁 I’ll never get a gengar

  2. kink-police

    My sister just bought the game and is playing on my switch. She literally said the same thing. It reminds her of an N64 game. I havent seen anything from the game myself yet but just this screenshot gives me a very good idea of how sad looks…

    Sun and Moon looked better than this and I didnt even like those games very much

  3. bt123456789

    I hate that you can’t change your outfit really. you can change accessories but always in some flavor of your outfit

    that being said, I play in handheld mode, and outside of the rare FPS drop, I’ve had like, one crash in the ~4 months I’ve owned it.

    I also think in most places it looks prettier in person than in screenshots. there are some towns that are outright gorgeous.

  4. SoligDag

    The 3D era of Pokémon hasn’t been good design and performance wise IMO. I miss the pixel art, it has more personality and has aged better. Look at gen 5 on the DS, that is gorgeous compared to this.

    Is Scarlet and Violet still somewhat fun? Yeah. But it needs work. Do better, Game Freak!

    I’ve had a better time with Pokémon spinoffs like Snap or Mystery Dungeon the last 10 years.

    Legends Arceus is pretty fun though. Would love to see a more polished follow-up to that game.

  5. iWantToLickEly

    >Pokémon is the highest grossing franchise in existence and the distant buildings look like Nintendo 64 graphics. It is an astronomical insult that Nintendo and Gamefreak haven’t updated this game to be more stable

    And yet you bought the game anyway 💀

  6. RockmanVolnutt

    I just watched a speed run of the game, I have no interest in ever playing it. It is embarrassing. Stop motion background characters, horrible textures, empty spaces, even indoors look dead and weird. All the main character animations are bad motion capture. Pokémon look like weird plastic figures with barely any life. Just horrible.

  7. FredoSauce227

    Vote with your wallet and stop buying the games

  8. senna98

    I often get an itch to play a Pokémon game then I see this and snap back to reality.

    Actually mind blowing that it’s legit N64 graphics

  9. PlatonistAstronaut

    Anyone else feel like they give less and less of a shit about pixel fidelity as they get older? I remember refusing to play games until I had, like, a Titan or some serious SLI going on. Now? Could not care less.

    Do wish Pokemon would go back to 2D, though. Sprites are cute.

  10. HandfulOfAcorns

    > I know I’m late to this, but I hoped they would have fixed things this much time after release.

    When has GameFreak ever fixed anything that wasn’t a game-breaking issue?

    They don’t care. They did nothing and you still bought the game. That’s why Pokemon will never improve.

  11. Schminimal

    Compare this to Zelda and you realise how little effort was put into it. Such a cash grab with a minimum viable product.

  12. Dynasuarez-Wrecks

    “Pokemon is the highest grossing franchise in existence… ” ─

    Its merchandise sales outstrip its video game sales by more than three times. Pokemon games don’t exist because The Pokemon Company wants to make video games. They exist as a marketing tool for plushies.

  13. n94able

    But thats the obvious shit.

    The UI is worse. It looks worse then the last one AND its functions worse.

    How do you make the thing you have done for 20 years worse.

  14. fimbleinastar

    This literally killed the game for me. Got to the first city and noped out

  15. dmrukifellth

    I would maaaaybe forgive some of the drop in graphics quality if it didn’t also go so very slow. Takes forever to browse through the boxes because the pokemon have to load. Battles take too long to act after inputs, especially when changing out pokemon. And so help me, if I end a fight with a wild pokemon already standing in another wild pokemon when I just want to run somewhere one more dang time!

  16. Crimson_Wraith_

    I’m not one for caring too much about graphics as long as the game is stable but the windmill that runs at 4 fps haunts my dreams.

  17. unsaturatedfats

    and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is on the same console… so sad to see this from pokemon. Honestly, I myself could look away from the graphics, it’s the 10 fps that kills it for me.

  18. Stargate_1

    You bought the game knowing all this, you are part of the problem

  19. PhatManSNICK

    Op this is important and vital. I was so excited about this game and picked it up day one. I tried maybe 5 hours and returned it. When asked why I told the guy at my local gamestop that “the game wasn’t finished or polished.” Spent the money on Metroid Prime Remastered. Way better deal.

    Was seriously considering picking this up again and mever evolving the grass kitten but behold, game is still broken. I’m glad Nintendo focuses on lawsuits over quality now.

  20. AngryRinger

    So…has OP ever seen an N64 game? Is this really another graphics whoring post about this duo of games? Let’s get a few things straight, first.

    Number 1, Junichi Masuda, one of the original members of Game Freak, keeps the company at an incredibly small team of 200 people at maximum as he believes it makes communication between departments easier. Meanwhile another massive company such as, say, EA, can have multiple thousands.

    Number 2, the culture of the workplace between GF and Nintendo is VERY heavy on crunch, only in more recent times adopting a more flexible work-life schedule for employees.

    Number 3, Nintendo Switch is a far less powerful console than the others of the generation, which has been the same trend with the company for decades, focusing less on the power of the consoles and more on the diversity of their games lineups. While Switch can play more intense games, they come with drawbacks more times than others to compensate.

    While I agree that Sc/Vi are fundamentally flawed games in some respects I can also say that having Sw/Sh, BD/SP, PLA AND Sc/Vi all in the same generation is a feat I applaud the team at GF for.

  21. Logondo

    Sorry, mate. It’s hard to go back to beating-the-dead-horse after a year.

    The vultures have eaten all the horse-giblets, you see?

  22. ConfusedConnect

    Still amazed that they made this and happily sold it. It looks like it was made for a ps2.

  23. tyrmael91

    I began with Scarlet, and I recently buyed Arceus.

    Not gonna say that Arceus is a masterpiece in terms of graphic, but man it’s so much better and fun to play in so many ways. I don’t understand them.

  24. FewYogurt3424

    It is nintendo we are talking about it seems they are years behind

  25. Quichdelvyn5

    The games are at 22m sold, the fans aren’t telling Game Freak they need to change.

    Arceus is 15m, Sword & Shield are 26m, BDSP is around 16m and Let’s Go is 15m, I would love them to do more with the graphics and gameplay so i’m not simping for GF but with numbers like that why change?

  26. cobalt_phantom

    I had fun playing it initially but it’s not worth $60 at all. I’ve been shiny hunting lately because they made it extremely easy to do so and I constantly run into problems like freezing, crashing, and pokemon getting stuck in walls. It might be the last pokemon game I buy but I doubt that will make a difference.

  27. FromDwight

    Remember when they made a big post on social media apologizing for the game being horrible and promising to fix it…and then literally didn’t fix anything…

  28. The craziest thing is how bad/outdated the switch hardware is and how good the emulation scene is. They managed to get the game to run at a stable fps and upscaled graphics within like 24 hours of the games release

  29. MrSonicOSG

    It looks like I broke the LODGEN while modding Skyrim again lmfao.

  30. FerdinandvonAegir124

    I know it doesn’t perform/look the best, it’s core gameplay is very good and that’s what matters to me

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