FPS Games

Ammo Is Weightless In Starfield

In various clips from Starfield, we can see that Ammo has no weight. This is either a skill or ammo in general has no weight.

Ammo Is Weightless In Starfield

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  1. It also was in Skyrim.
    And in Fallout. (Non-Survival)
    And any other shooter.

    I guess they will add a survival mode like in Fallout, where Ammo has segnificant weight.

  2. It's like trying to restrict the amount you can carry in Minecraft, realism that isn't fun is not desired. These games need you to be a lonewolf, to be self sufficient. If you need to be resupplied all the time you would be playing CoD.

    But frankly i just think you never played Bethesda games before. What a stupid statement.

  3. In Skyrim I would pick up every arrow from steel and up. They have no weight and they have value. Sell them to a vendor and be on your way.

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