
Bro, wake up, it’s 2000. You just got Pokemon gen 1. You don’t realise it at the time, but this is going to be one of the greatest gaming experiences of your life.

Bro, wake up, it’s 2000. You just got Pokemon gen 1. You don’t realise it at the time, but this is going to be one of the greatest gaming experiences of your life.


  1. Stephen501

    Blue then silver were the most fun I’ve had with any Pokémon game.

  2. RandyBiel

    I grew up with and played the games in order.

    I still love Gen 3 the most of all of them.

    The first remake of Gen 1 (fire red?) was also up there for me.

    There’s a high possibility though, that I only really started to enjoy Gen 3 as much as I did because I became old enough to read and understand English at that point.

  3. JinxedKing

    It really was! 7 year old me spent many afternoons evolving and trading with friends. I think the pic above is yellow?

  4. EtheusRook

    I really did love Pokemon gens 1-3. I lost the magic with gen 4 on.

  5. Shantaak

    I feel bad about the new gamers who didn’t get to experience this back in the day. Even though we didn’t have backlit screens or fancy graphics, this was in the period of gaming where everything was new and a risk and the world was much more social as we didn’t have things like social media and smartphones. We had to learn about things solely on word of mouth for the most part. Talking about these games with other kids at daycare and school was one of my happiest memories

  6. VariWor

    Best of luck with that first gym, kid. Your Pikachu is useless.

  7. I relent getting a tall gbc and pokemon yellow for Xmas when I was a kid. I played with nothing but that all day, every day until my birthday in Feb.

    I think the two deciding factors were how much I played when my cousin let me borrow her pkmn blue at my grandparents, and when I once over heard my parents talking with their friends about how popular Gameboy color was “I don’t get why they’re such a big deal, they’re the exact same thing just with a blue case.”

    I, a severely shy and quiet 7 year old, piped up and said “actually, they’re not just colored Gameboy, they actually play the games in color now!” My parent had never seen me correct an adult like that before so they knew I must really be wanting one.

  8. RPGGuyBroFirstMate

    Ohh man! SO good friend, ty for reminding me. I ❤️ 😍 that game.

  9. symbal022

    right on. miss this game so much. migrated over to linux on my pc and havent been able to find a working gba emu that actually works. hace both Ubuntu and Manjaro

  10. Acidroots

    But wait, it’s 2000, why did I wait 4 years to get Pokémon gen 1? Especially when gen 2 would have been released 1 year ago.

  11. AndyKaufmanSentMe

    I never owned a Pokémon card or watched a single movie or episode of the show.

    I still played through Leaf Green. It was fun.

  12. Nikkelx

    I still love the old music from the gameboy games (RBY/GSC)

  13. Anal_Viking_Warchief

    I blame pokemon for my livelong addiction to rpgs. This game came at just the right time, had the perfect IP for me as a kid and mechanics that were simple enough to understand. It was the first game I ever played that triggered the typical dopamine-rush of getting a level up, a new skill or collecting a new pokemon. After playing pokemon all games without level ups became kind of boring to me, a preference which still holds up to this day. So thank you pokemon for defining my taste in video games.

  14. Manjorno316

    I never got into the pokemon games. They were fun but I could never play them for more than half an hour or so before I got bored and did/played something else.

  15. Historical-Cicada-29

    I must of been an incredibly patient kid, these games are difficult.

    Replaying some now…dang.

    As a kid me and friends would play in a group and help each other out, without any magazine guides. Sometimes spending a whole week to get past a certain gym or building with maze/ puzzles.

  16. Raz1253

    Then the series would spiral into mediocrity and you would end up looking back at those memories with a longing for the thing you once loved to be good once again

  17. Blind_Melone

    My friends mom owned a liquor store when we were in elementary/Jr high. We would walk there after school and play video games in the back and do homework, help stock until my mom got off work and came to get me.

    One day we got back and she had bought Pokémon Blue. It was on the table in back. We did no stocking or homework that day. All day at school we talked about pokemon, then RACED to the store to play more. That game was ground breaking.

    I remember one day later one coming in and his mom handing us each a “booster pack” for the card game…… and thus started my chuldhood gambling addiction lolol.

  18. Pasta_Baron

    I can still feel the ear splitting PIKACHU at the start of this game….feel it in my bones lol.

  19. leopard_tights

    No, we knew. Pokemania was sweeping the world. You could talk endlessly about it with your friends.

  20. BugsCheeseStarWars

    It’s all down hill from here, my young friend.

  21. ScrotalAgony

    I watched the non-gamers around me get GameBoys just for Pokemon. It was unavoidable because it was on the tv across various commercials for the show, the multiple games, the trading cards. It hit that level of popularity where in school you were uncool for not knowing about Pokemon.

    Getting a worthwhile game into peoples’ pockets (and kids’ backpacks) was such a big brained move too.

  22. crazypaiku

    i played it, i liked it, but it’s not really THAT great.

  23. rose_til_dawn

    I wasn’t alive back then. But I played it on my 3DS.

  24. ICPosse8

    Me and my cousin used to trade his gameboy back and forth every night, he would play for one night, then I would play the next night. We would play together during the day, in his kitchen, which had the best light. I distinctly remember his house being utterly disgusting but 10 year old me didn’t give a shit. All we cared about was beating the Elite Four. He’s gone down a much darker path than me, in life, but I always remember us geeking out in his dirty kitchen trying to get our team to at least level 60 so we’d have a chance.

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