I had my grandmother insert a RAM stick

She did well.


  1. Fallwalking

    Is she building it for herself? Putting things together is fun for all.

  2. bat-affleck-is-back

    Now i need your grandma share a video of you doing crochet or making lasagna

  3. _Name_Changer_

    I made my dad place one of my ram sticks. First time I tried to boot it had a memory failure because one stick was incorrectly placed.

  4. Stuff like this keeps reminding me that people like her have witnessed the insane increase in technology in the last several decades.

    Now I wonder what our generation will be dealing with when we are her age.

  5. Mowniak

    make another video of her, installing an NVME M.2

  6. GroomyN

    Why does this old lady insert ram better than I do?

  7. inprimuswesuck

    *It’s actually her build for Crochet Simulator*

  8. Tricky-Chest-9272

    That’s nice and all but it would be even more awesome if you taught her how to download more RAM

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