
Recently finished with RDR2 and now I’m going to play RDR1.

Recently finished with RDR2 and now I’m going to play RDR1.


  1. Gahhh how brilliant would it be if they had pulled a Pokémon Gold, and let you roll right into RDR1 (remastered in the new engine) after the end of RDR2

    (I get that that is a ludicrous ask though.)

  2. Tabaxi-CabDriver

    Undead nightmare is still some of the best DLC out there.

  3. Rough-Worth3554

    There’s no remaster I wish more.

  4. Don’t want to spoil you anything, but I gotta warn you. In Undead Nightamre you will find NPC’s that became zombies, you can tie them up with the lasso and at the end of the game you see them. I killed all of them because I didn’t knew

  5. DarthRevan1138

    Honestly, RDR 2 jkust kept depressing me as I went along. I beat it but I loved RDR 1 so much better

  6. LegendaryWeapon

    Enjoy. I think you’ll enjoy it more than most people who played RDR1 because RDR2 gave beautiful context to the characters you will meet.

  7. agentclank21

    doing the same rdr1 still runs smooth

  8. pierogieking412

    Wish they’d give us a PC remaster of rdr1 so I could play it again. I have it for ps3 but I don’t think the old girl would fire up for me.

  9. It plays just like Red Dead Online, so it should not be a jarring experience going from 2 to 1.

  10. These-Conference-179

    RDR1 is my fav. Hope you enjoy – it is epic.

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