FPS Games

This Game is 12 Years Old and Still Slaps #battlefield #battlefield3 #bf3

Battlefield 3 is still one of the most incredible video games of the last 20 years. Get your fangs out, Hawkins – we’re hunting big game today.

#battlefield #battlefield3 #bf3


  1. The first battlefield I got to play on Christmas 2011 and still is my favourite despite not playing it in over 10yrs

  2. Loved battlefield 3. I thought is was better than the rest. Then the op saga was a blast to use.

  3. I still have the original disc copy of it for the Xbox 360 and play it regularly on my Xbox one, still holds memories from a long time ago

  4. my first and only bf single player game. although bland, i had my fun with it
    no idea about the mp, dont really care for online aspect in shooters

  5. No Ray Tracing either running at 30FPS!!!! and we were all happy .It just goes to how much vision and effort the devs really put in or were allowed to put in ,all at a time when cgi/game developing was a hell of a lot harder than it is now .12 years later EA has royally effed up their own game and 2042 is now what we should expect and be happy ..We'll likely never see this again ..great pioneering days of gaming .

  6. Always loved that mission only 2 games I know where you don’t play as pilot in a plane and this is 1 of them also decently realistic

  7. The good old days of Battlefield, it is unbelievable that an older game in the franchise even had a campaign and more Battlefield elements than the newer game!!

  8. BF3 and BF4 were about the goofy and badass moments
    BF1 was about the PTSD
    BFV was okay, still wished they kept the female combatants strictly on the USSR and Freedom Fighting factions (if only they released the Eastern Front DLC like they said they would, still tilts me to this day)
    BF2042 is just a rehashed CoD: MWII with a Battlefield title slapped on it.

  9. Battlefield from the first Bad Company to BF4 were some of the best titles in the whole series imo. with BF:BC2, 3, & 4 being the best over all. with BF1 being a great game after awhile too.

  10. Was playing it on the hardest difficulty recently. Certain parts are hard as fuck at the start i sucked then by the end im using all these techniques to get around and kill and not get hit. Definitely made me a better gamer

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