Unusually high soc power and low cpu power draw.

i just bought a new ryzen 5600. gamernexus and other websites show it boosting to 4200-4300mhz under multi core load. however mine is only boosting to 3800 in default state.

if i enable pbo and increase my ppt from 75Watts(default ) to 85W, the all core boost goes around 4200-4250.
also on auto oc, all cores boost to 4450 , but power consumption is around 115ppt.

now i compared my default behaviour with one of my friends cpu. we both have same mobo(b450m gigabyte, low-mid tuer at best)

Friends ryzen master reading — in the default 75ppt, his cpu is getting 51-52w and soc power is 6-7 watts.

my ryzen master readings. — in my default 75w ppt, cpu is only getting 47 W, and soc power is from 15-17W ..

this behaviour of high soc power is not letting my cpu get enough power to boost. if i increase my ppt by 5w to 80W, cpu all core boost goes up to 4100, add another 5w, ie at 85W ppt, it boosts to 4275 all core.

Does anyone has any idea why my soc power is so high? the pnly reason i can think is i m using a manual multipler of x32,on my already xmped ram of 3000mhz.

Any insights from u guys is appreciated.

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