FPS Games

This new game has real life graphics…

This is the most realistic game ever. Unrecord is a new tactical shooter FPS game on Unreal Engine 5 which looks real. Interesting mechanics in this one, let’s take a look! Leave a LIKE and a comment, thanks for watching.


  1. We're gonna be the hated parents that don't let kids play violent games. Maybe for good reason too lol. GTA 7 gonna be wild

  2. A lot of it is really good post processing and head movement. Everything else isn't that much better looking than most games.(Although still very good)

  3. The recoil also feels natural giving that when it happens, its not always up and down but it goes any angle as in real guns would do

  4. Cant wait for the killer game debate to start all over again in germany, when our politicians see games like this.

  5. It's pretty crazy but certain aspects of it do look game like. Texture and environment wise it looks very realistic

  6. I think it looks so real as a lot of people have noted is because it’s simulating what a camera sees. And I think that’s how we should’ve done it from the start. We experience games through a tv so it’s only right to make it look like we are seeing it through a camera. It’d only make sense to simulate human eyes if somehow we could connect the game to our eyes.

  7. imagine going into a school and shoooting everyone and posting it just saying it was a game

  8. Imagine in a few years when we look back at this and think "Remember how real we used to think this looked?"

  9. every now and agin i see small glitches and it hurts brain ses real then sees thing slide or disapear and its wired

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