Cyberpunk 2077

What’s the equivalent of Arasaka today?

What’s the equivalent of Arasaka today?


  1. ZeroQuick

    The Samsung corporation rules S. Korea with an iron fist.

  2. AbrLinc

    In terms of relevant industries, maybe Lockheed or Raytheon. In terms of big bad corporations, probably Amazon, Google, Monsantos, Samsung, or Meta. There are just a lot of big and shitty corps these days.

  3. SmokyKnight9352

    Closest I can think of is either Disney, Google, or Amazon.

  4. AbnormalAviator

    Its alt-history, so our world’s China is more analogous to Japan’s role in the Cyberpunk universe.

    As such, I’d say NORINCO – the largest Chinese defense corp, with lots of subsidiaries in many industries. That said, the CCP controls NORINCO with an iron fist, *not* the other way around.

    More analogous, in general, are the big three defense giants in the US – Lockheed, Boeing, and Raytheon. If they merged, you’d have something a lot like Militech.

    Now, in Cyberpunk, its the defense corporations that rule the world with hard power. That’s not really how our world is, where soft power is much easier to wield, and therefore more influential.

    Google, Meta, and other tech giants have the power to manipulate markets and minds in a way that is much more true to the overall warning message of Cyberpunk.

  5. JBookieModels

    I bet you would hear “NiCola!!! taste the love” every 3 seconds there.

  6. justingunit

    Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street.

    These 3 companies are majority shareholders in over 95% of publicly traded companies.

  7. SkitariusOfMars

    Samsung in Korea. It’s like 20% of country’s GDP and it’ literally owns the government.

  8. JBookieModels

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries would def be the equivalent.

  9. wastelandho

    The whole point is that nothing is as terrible yet as a mega corporation like Arasaka will or wants to be.

  10. cmdrchaos117

    Militech: merger between Raytheon, and Blackwater

    Arasaka: merger between Nintendo, Samsung, Kawasaki, Toshiba, Honda, and Hitachi


    Zetatech: merger between Boston Dynamics and Tesla

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