FPS Games

Solis How To Play | Rainbow Six Siege

An operator that detects electronics will stop attacker chicanery in its tracks.

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Camera: Sony alpha 6000
Mic: Audio Technica AT4050
Mixer: Yamaha MG10XU
CPU: Intel Core i7-10700K
VIDEO CARD: RTX 2070 Super
Keyboard: Logitech G915 TKL
Mouse: Logitech G Pro Wireless

About Gregor
Suh, dude? This is my official YouTube channel. I cover FPS games, usually with a competitive slant.

Solis How To Play | Rainbow Six Siege



  1. finally an operator to punish people for playing sweaty comp pro league
    I never drone, but punishing other people for droning is a dream come true,
    its one of the core aspects of siege that needs to be removed

  2. 7:43 🤣 presumably you must be hearing this from people that think every gun is hard to use on console

  3. While its definetly not the firsst gun you should use if you're learning the game, the SMG-11 isn't too difficult on console/controller if you practice a bit and are already accustomed to siege's recoil on cotroller. I'm not a fragger by any means, but as I train my recoil control more and more I keep getting better at smoke, and it's even earned me my first ace of the new season already.

  4. The p90 Is it definitely an excellent weapon. I switched to it on rook a while ago and I Was able to hit heads a lot easier and I don't have that great aim. I don't know why but I Have had better results with the P90 than the mp5.
    The MP5 I've only found to be better in long range gun fights.

  5. I still don't have Solis because lmao I ain't buying the pass, but I cannot wait to try this op!! I feel similar about her like I did with Azami, ops with unique gameplay loops are really special, I really enjoy playing Pulse already, and overall I've been making efforts to learn verticality more thoroughly, I've always cared to have good map knowledge and I feel she will reward the 7 years I've put into this game like Pulse, Valkyrie, and Azami have done.

    I love characters that give tools to predict or to force certain scenarios, my squad doesn't think she's a good op but I know I can make her work because I care about more than just shooting.

  6. How long until ubi sells ranked point boosters? New ranked is just battle pass 2

  7. "Jackie" One more thing you can use Impacts while her gadget is active. So Impacts is a must on her.

  8. I have to disagree with you on the extended barrel for p90. try it with laser, makes a huge difference, great recoil control in bursts and better patterns, also I like the hip fire.

  9. The smg 11 is hard to control on console cuz you only have the right stick to control it. Pc players have there whole arm so it will be easier

  10. Ngl my original thoughts on solis was that they were gonna be pretty lacking as an op, but seeing more clips and the fact that attackers need to use a lot more utility been shifting my opinion. They aint crazy like azami, but they're solid and i could see them getting a good amount of use. Wonder if a pulse + Solis roam combo would work at all…

  11. Is it "sole-is" or "sole-ees?" I only ask because I work in a very Hispanic city and one of my training officers was "Solis." He was a jerk.

  12. The ITA long has some wild wall destruction for prep phase too. Being used to the Mossberg it seems like it has a good 10-20% greater diameter, lotta surfaces I think people can learn to pretty consistently make one-pump crouch or two-pump standing rotates with it. Lotta flexibility in her kit that should let her stay viable for a ton of bomb sites and maps where her main gadget can come in as a bonus to back up her setup capabilities

  13. Oh my lord Gregor is just my friend Conor for his friend group*me and everyone distracted by a glitched piece of wood* "why's it look li-"
    "guys no one's on objective it's wood we are playing ranked what the fuck are y'all doing !?!?!"

  14. So basically Ubisoft made an operator who performs best when in hands of an experienced player, except for the fact that most of the experienced players left the game years ago xD

  15. “Guys! We’re playing video games!!!”

    Bro I saw this live that shit was hilarious😂 great content as always Greg❤

  16. As a console player who has played siege on console since y1s4 and also plays PC, the smg-11 is actually very difficult to master when you’re not cheating with mouse. And now with the next gen consoles, mouse is even more powerful. I have a ps5 and I learned the best way to beat mouse players, and that is the smg-11. It takes some time but thunt and the shooting range actually helps a lot. My friends all use flash so they can tap and range but I have learned to control the recoil to near perfection at 20 meters of range. I have gotten many accusations of using mouse but it Is simply the fact that I have so many hours on the smg-11

  17. So yeah….

    I love this op so far. Gadget is good for counter droning while roaming, and the P90 is awesome on a faster op (good for aggression).

  18. the best part of this video was when you mentioned she's hard to play for newcomers… as if new people are playing this game lol.

  19. I’ve been playing r6 on console since 2017 and I still can’t control the smg 11 fully so believe us or not smg 11 is still kinda hard to use

  20. l never run impact grenades with defenders because l have risk wasting them if l die. So l will use the camera with Solis and l play Ela like a trap operator not like a roamer with 3 extra throwables

  21. 7:45 Thank you for not believing this horseshit. I am a console player and I'm able to control all the guns easily, people need to understand that aim training and sensitivity changes are a necessity to getting better. Complaining doesn't get shit done.

  22. Lmao that ash at the end. Does he want greg to turn off his headset while he runs at full speed around the map?

  23. On console it is less the vertical recoil but more the horizontal recoil that fucks you up, but at the same time so does 1200 rpm

  24. My favorite part of the video is when he said "Its Greggin time" and then didn't pronounce words that end with NG for the whole video

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